Sunday, February 23, 2025

A primer on the primary election

| May 27, 2010 12:20 PM

I've recently run into a number of people who are registered as Independents and who mistakenly believe they cannot vote in the primary as there is no ballot specifically allotted to the Independents.

I've recently run into a number of people who are registered as Independents and who mistakenly believe they cannot vote in the primary as there is no ballot specifically allotted to the Independents. However, every registered voter will receive two ballots: one specifically designated for the Republican candidates and one for the Democratic candidates. Choose which candidates most suitably represent your beliefs and vote that one ballot. If you have questions, call the Clerk and Recorder's office in Thompson Falls at 827-6922 or ask for clarification from an election judge on June 8th.

Anyone running on the Independent ticket essentially gets a bye until the November General Election so I would encourage you to carefully consider the three sheriff's candidates on the Republican ticket. While the State of Montana does not require law enforcement training for someone to run as a sheriff, one would question how a sheriff could effectively conduct the office and oversee men and women with that training without it. Also, in these days of expanding needs and decreasing revenue availability, I believe our county would be better served by someone who can indeed work as a peace officer when needed or as time allows and who better than someone who already holds a position in that department? That man would be Tom Rummel.

I've known Tom for over 20 years and known him to consistently be a hard worker and a man of good, moral standards; a man of integrity who holds his faith, family and country very dear to him. I believe he has the standards of behavior that most exemplify what I want to see in our county sheriff.

Also on the Republican Primary ballot are two choices for County Attorney and with no one running on the Democrat ballot, this position will be filled on June 8th. One candidate is a man who previously held the position and was voted out the last time he ran. Naomi Leisz is also running for County Attorney. She has worked as a private attorney for over 10 years in Trout Creek, has a terrific work ethic and is willing to take on the 100 or so tasks designated to that position. She strikes me as someone with a good head on her shoulders who will take prosecution seriously and watch out for our county's best interests. She has my vote.

Please take your rights as a United States citizen seriously and vote responsibly.


Judy Woolley.

Plains, MT