Friday, March 14, 2025

Public library an asset to the town

by Jim Hawley
| May 27, 2010 12:18 PM

When Judy and I came to settle in the Plains area, we had the checklist of important places to locate and become familiar with. Upon finding the library, we relaxed and agreed: Plains, now this is an all-inclusive town.

When Judy and I came to settle in the Plains area, we had the checklist of important places to locate and become familiar with. Upon finding the library, we relaxed and agreed: Plains, now this is an all-inclusive town.

Today, we find the library in the grip of a desperate economy and faced with all the predictable material constraints as consequence of a diminishing budget.

For many of us, the financial challenges of the day are no less overwhelming, even to the point where only by conscious effort do we seem to give thought to the survival of institutions designed for the common good in the public realm.

Precisely in times like these the public library extends a beacon of reassurance to those seeking knowledge and diversion and even sanctuary, and requires from the community the recognition of its intrinsic value.

By voting Yes on June 8 for the levy of support, we will do our part to ensure that there'll be no further reduction in hours of operation and that the most current literature, and wireless access to the world, continues to be made available.

This measure amounts to a mere dollar and change on a $100,000 home.

Jim Hawley

Plains, MT