Saturday, February 22, 2025

Setting the record straight

| May 27, 2010 12:22 PM

Recently we have heard from many politicians, White House staffers and even the President, who have seen fit to speak out against the new Arizona immigration law.

Recently we have heard from many politicians, White House staffers and even the President, who have seen fit to speak out against the new Arizona immigration law. Upon further investigation, nearly every one of these folks has admitted to the fact that they had not read the new law. How hypocritical for them to come forth, using their positions to influence the rest of us when they have formed their opinion on hearsay and rhetoric fueled by political expedience instead of consideration of U.S. Law and the Constitution!

This behavior is similar to some recent political shenanigans playing out here in Sanders County. Mike Hashisaki, the Sanders County Republican Central Committee Chairman, has seen fit to dispense commentary on candidate forums he has never attended. We, the undersigned, have attended forums, we have attended Republican Central Committee meetings, we have talked to candidates and numerous voters and we participate in meetings and activities with the singular goal of identifying candidates who best represent the interests of the voting populous.

The Sanders County Conservatives (SCC), a non-partisan group of concerned citizens, took a great deal of time to put together a candidate questionnaire. The Sanders County Republican Central Committee Chairman ‘suggested' that Republican candidates not answer the questionnaire, doing so through a letter to some of the candidates, dismissing it and later dismissing the forums sponsored by SCC, and Thompson Falls Chapter of the John Birch Society, as having agendas that would attempt to [‘bushwhack'] push candidates into a corner. We wonder, are candidates incapable of using their own judgment and should they rely solely on the advice of their Political Party Chairman? We believe that an open, transparent and collaborative effort to find out more about our candidates is the only sure way to make an informed voting decision.

Now then, if the Sanders County Republican Central Committee Chairman's advice was accurate, would we not now be hearing from those candidates who put forth the effort in attending the forums that indeed there had been an agenda and they regretted having attended? We haven't heard that, have you? If you have any lingering doubts, please ask the candidates who attended, or take a moment to view video footage of the forums, now posted on youtube. Those candidates are: Tom Rummel, Doug Dryden, Ron Olfert, Naomi Leisz, Wayne Egbert and Kathy Harris.

When forums are held, and candidates do not show up, their reason for not attending is always shared with the audience. Regarding the recent forum, held May 15, Mike Hashisaki stated Sheriff Candidate Billy Hill had a previous engagement planned three weeks in advance. If this was accurate, then why did Mr. Hill not state this when he was asked directly at the May 6th SCC meeting if he was going to attend the forum? Here was his opportunity to state his conflict, but Mr. Hill did not, in fact he never answered the question. He said he would be at the Republican sponsored forum on May 19. Why would Mr. Hill see fit to plug the forum on the 19th and be evasive about the forum on the 15th?

In reading Mr. Hashisaki's letter to the editor one will glean that the forum on the 19th will have questions filtered and audience members will not be able to ask questions directly to the candidates. Why should a candidate forum on the 19th and be evasive about the forum on the 15th?

In reading Mr. Hashisaki's letter to the editor, one will glean that the forum on the 19th will have questions filtered and audience members will not be able to ask questions directly to the candidates.

Why should a candidate fear direct questions from voters?

Mr. Hashisaki also indicates that forums sponsored by the Conservatives are unorganized and unplanned.

There is a clear trail of correspondence showing that these forums were planned well in advance.

The April 28, May 1 and May 15 forums had been planned in March.

The forum on May 1swas originally announced to include all candidates, but was revised into two separate, shortened forums to accommodate the public and candidates per Mr. Hashisaki's suggestion.

Candidates were informed with much notice, and in another attempt to appease Mike Hashisaki, candidates were also mailed questions in advance (via certified mail, return receipt requested).

We have chosen to join a movement, which is successfully rising across America.

We refuse to continue with ‘business as usual' when it comes to electing officials.

The American Public has been lied to by politicians falsely claiming to represent party platforms for too long. We no longer believe that those who claim to have our interests at heart really do.

Americans are finally waking up to the fact that we must take matters into our own hands.

The American public recognizes the need for true statesmen who stand for our Constitution and Principles of Freedom and not their own political gain.

For those who have grown complacent in their positions, and taken for granted they will continue in office, reign supreme in spite of public opinion, ignore constitutional restraint on government, and take comfort in knowing they are guarded by carefully placed constituents, this is, perhaps, a terrifying thought.

It is far easier to continue with the sleazy, easy way of pushing agendas when voters are apathetic and uninformed.

But OH, is it ever a difficult task when they wise up!

Art Hassan, Trout Creek

Kathy Hassan,

Trout Creek

Lark Chadwick,

Thompson Falls

Pat Legard, Plains

Mary Halling, Plains

Gerald Cuvillier,

Trout Creek

Bev Cuvillier,

Trout Creek

Chappy Krauthoff, Plains

Gail Krauthoff, Plains

Ron Robinson, Plains

Charles Woolley, Plains

Judy Woolley, Plains

Joe Ducharme, Plains