Friday, March 14, 2025

Elroy the Elk visits

by Trevor Murchison
| November 8, 2010 3:34 PM


Students enjoy coloring books and treats courtesy of Fred Barrett, the Exalted Ruler of the Clark Fork Valley Elks Association.


Bev Barrett shares some of the information about the harmful effects of drugs with Paradise students. This trailer, owned and operated by the Elks, is a valuable tood for the Elks as they endeavor to keep Montana's youth drug free.


Fred Barrett and Elroy the Elk pose with students from the Paradise School in front of the Montana State Elks Association trailer.

Elroy the Elk visited the Paradise School for a rally last Friday afternoon, Oct. 29 as part of the Clark Fork Valley Elks’ initiative to increase drug awareness in the community.

The rally marked the end of Red Ribbon Week for the school, a nationally celebrated week long campaign informing students about the dangers of drugs and why it is important to remain drug-free.

The students, most of whom were dressed up in their costumes in preparation for Halloween, gathered in the school’s gym where Elroy gave his message.

He was accompanied by Fred Barrett, Exalted Ruler of the Thompson Falls Elks Lodge, as well as his wife, Bev Barrett, who is very involved with the Elks and works as coordinator on many of the organization’s drug awareness events.

Mr. Barrett offered a recap of the week’s festivities, and reiterated a message of drug awareness.

This message comes in conjunction with the Elks’ overall goals, which are to  perform good works for a community’s youths and veterans. The drug awareness programs that the organization sponsors comes as a service to the former.

“The Elks Lodge is very active in helping keep students aware of the dangers of drugs,” Mrs. Barrett said.

The problem of drug and alcohol abuse exists not only at the state and federal levels, but at a local one as well, according to Mrs. Barrett.

The intent of rallies like the one at the Paradise School is to provide students with the information they need to make the choice to be drug free.

Though Mrs. Barrett understands the difficulty of bringing this message to younger students, and groups with such varying ages as the Paradise group, she feels that it is important to plant the seeds of drug awareness in whatever way available as early as possible.

The Barretts, as well as other members of the Elks, are very involved in the community.

Mrs. Barrett is currently solidifying plans to bring the Elks’ information trailer to a presentation at the Plains High School later this month.

There are also plans in the works, to bring a similar demonstration to the Thompson Falls High School.

Mrs. Barrett also stated that the Elks are often looking for ways to inform members of the community, and would welcome any such interest in the programs.

Despite the serious message, the Elks always seek to make a positive impression, which is what Mrs. Barrett focused on in the presentation at Paradise.

“It’s just a fun thing to do,” Mrs. Barrett said.