Monday, February 24, 2025

A nice, quiet candidate

by Breck HowardPlains
| October 4, 2010 11:38 AM

Quietly going about his campaign, Tom Rummel has not resorted to mudslinging.  He is doing everything you expect of a competent and good candidate for sheriff.  He is a mature and wise candidate.  He’s been around for half a century, and his time in the Sheriff Department has given him the experience to be Sheriff. He has a warm and loving family. If you were fortunate enough to see the picture in the paper of Tom sawing down the monstrous tree you know he is brave and thoughtful and attests to the fact that in all the years he worked in the woods he never had a serious accident. He is a straight arrow and won’t play favorites. My family and many friends and I support Tom Rummel for sheriff.