Saturday, February 22, 2025

Partisan concerns

by Kathleen HassanTrout Creek
| October 4, 2010 11:40 AM

What’s up with Republicans these days? Take the recent primary race for Senator in Delaware to replace Joe Biden’s seat, for instance. Republican voters were faced with choosing old establishment  “moderate ideals” by casting their vote for candidate Mike Castle or taking a truly bold step by selecting Christine O’Donnell as their choice for a conservative reformer. The standard everyday Republicans are not going to “roll the current destruction” occurring in America today, in the halls of Congress in Washington, D.C., in the State legislative sessions amongst all fifty states, or even in hundreds of local courthouses of county governments.

The power trip still exists for Republicans who feel there is a need to reward elders in their party; that there is “something to be gained by cooperation with the Obama agenda.”  This is the absolute falsehood.  To quote a prominent talk show host, “It is going to take the “wild-eyed” Conservatives to roll back the mistakes of the past century.” Americans are drawing a line in the sand in the form of:  (a) a conservative movement, (b) a tea party movement, c)  a freedom movement, (d) a Constitution movement or (e) a ‘return to Traditional Values’ movement.  Label it what you will, it’s alive, it’s real and it’s happening.  A great majority of Americans are finally deciding a Government that governs least governs best and realize now that to restore America we must restore our precious values, our guiding principles and our faith in our God and in each other.  Then, those who we elect to represent us will be less likely to be corrupted by special interest groups and just maybe stand up for integrity and ethics and defend the oath each of them swears to uphold. 

Corruption and unethical practices have never been more blatant than what I have witnessed unfolding right before my eyes at my county government as well as in our capitol in Helena.  No small wonder D.C. needs fixing, needs reforming and requires rebooting.  Let’s get busy—we have an enormous task ahead of us!