Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ron Olfert wants to revive local economy

by ParadiseTerry Caldwell
| October 8, 2010 2:17 PM

To dispel any conflicting rumors or ideas about the manner in which the Democrats and Republicans have been involved in the decision to disallow write-in candidates to participate in the forums, you can find a rather lengthy chronology at the following website:  All pertinent documents are reproduced there.

I know Ron Olfert has not his changed positions or beliefs.  Many citizens are hurting in Sanders County and the primary reason is lack of jobs.  After all these years he is still advocating, even more strongly, the immediate implementation of the process of “coordination” (bringing back local control on our public lands) in order to restore a working economy to our County.  We have the tools in front of us, due to his efforts.  Why are we not using them?  Secondly, his position on zoning has not changed.  He has been and will continue to be in the forefront of fighting for our property rights by opposing zoning every time it surfaces.

If anything, his positions have been strengthened by the support of the vast majority of those he has talked to across the County.  I guess it’s to be expected that desperate opponents will try anything to assassinate the character of one standing in the way of their agenda. Fortunately, in this communication age, you have the ability to sort out false information from the truth.