Friday, March 14, 2025

Let's be civil

by Erika JaegersTrout Creek
| October 22, 2010 12:47 PM

Former Thompson Falls Mayor Louis LaRock has been complaining about Doug Dryden’s lack of communication years back in a recent letter. I would like to share a little experience I had with Mr. LaRock about 10 years ago when I was looking to start a substantial business in “his” town.

I stopped at City Hall to have a little chat with him about the possibilities. His clerk introduced us and stated my purpose. Mr. LaRock walked past me without so much as a handshake or any other acknowledgement. I was quite astonished by his behavior.

I started my business without his input, but I never forgot that day at City Hall when I was completely dismissed.

My point is, don’t throw stones when you’re sitting in a glass house. None of us are perfect. Maybe Doug made a mistake back then—I don’t really know—but I do know that mister former mayor is not perfect, either. I just wish that some of the political support groups in this election would stop nitpicking and mudslinging. This is a small town. We pretty much all know each other—please, let’s be civil.