Monday, March 03, 2025

JMG cleans up

by Skyler Cech
| October 27, 2010 10:16 AM

This year’s Plains JMG (Jobs for Montana’s Graduates) class took time out of their day to clean up nearly four miles along Baker’s Grade on October 11, 2010. Starting at about 10:30 in the morning, they cleaned the highway up quickly when they finished by noon. Afterwards, they went to the Circle for some ice cream to celebrate. The highway cleanup is part of the community service that JMG students have to do for the class.

JMG is a class to help seniors learn what they want to do after they graduate and to help out with the community. The students that participated in the highway cleanup had lots of fun with it.  One week after the highway cleanup the students and their parents met in the cafeteria for their 19th annual INI meeting. INI stands for Initiation and Installation, which is just a ceremony to introduce the students into their coordinator positions. The president of this year’s JMG class is Christian Beech and Lyann Miller as the secretary. Each student has a position of something. Before the ceremony started, the parents and students ate potluck dinner. After eating, the spirit coordinator Jonathon Zigler decided to start things off by playing a game. The parents and students played “heads up, seven up,” a game known for being played in first and second grade. Although some of the students felt immature, they all participated and had quite a few laughs. After the fun and games, it was time to get on with the Ceremony. Christian Beech, the president, gave a speech and introduced a couple of things about JMG. The JMG career specialist, Anawyn Griffin, introduced all the students into their coordinator positions and presented them with a certificated accepting them into the 2010-2011 JMG class.