Tuesday, February 25, 2025

4-H results

by Sharon Patterson
| September 24, 2010 1:32 PM

The fair is over, the exhibits are put away and sighs are heard from parents and 4-H members.

The 4-H exhibits that appear at the Mineral County Fair are the result of a year of preparation. 4-H members start working toward exhibiting at the fair when they sign up to be a 4-H member.This year the 4-H exhibits at the fair were exceptional and all members went away feeling great about their accomplishments. 

The following 4-H members received ribbons:

Nicole Stroot –five Purple, eight Blue; Senior Horse Showmanship, Grand Champion Market Steer and Reserve Champion Sr. Beef Showman; Cary Chamberlain –six Purple; eight Blue; two Red; MacKenzie Crabb – three Purple, three Blue; Dahkota Hayes –seven Purple, eight Blue; Reserve Champion Market Beef Myranda Kuhl – five Purple, seven Blue Craig Stortz –six Blue; Tucker Smith – four Purple, six Blue; Grand Champion Senior Swine Showman, Grand Champion Swine Showman; Billy Smith – three Purple, six Blue; Grand Champion Jr. Beef Showman, Grand Champion Market Beef; McKinzie Cooper – 11 Purple, 12 Blue, one Red; Mary-Hannah McGuffey – six Purple, six Blue, two Red; Aidan Patko –four Purple, nine Blue, one Red; Nicholas Ververis –two Purple, five Blue; Logan Donally –four Blue;

Mary Grace Donally – four Purple; 17 Blue; Reserve Champion Jr. Swine Showman; Luke Boyce – two Purple, four Blue; Ashley Blaylock – two Purple; six Blue; one Red, Grand Champion Sr. Swine Showman, Reserve Champion Market Swine, Cody Ishler  -  eight Purple, 14 Blue, Reserve

Champion Sr. Beef Showman; Lyndi Ishler – five Purple, six Blue, Grand Champion Sr. Beef Showman, Grand Champion Beef Showman,  Tyler Ishler -two Purple, five blue, reserve Champion Jr. Beef Showman, Ally Rust – five Purple, five Blue, Grand Champion Jr. Sheep Showman, Grand Champion Market Sheep; Ashley Wharry – three Purple, three Blue; Michele Reinelt – five Purple, six Blue; Kaleb Ververis – five Blue; David McGuffey – two Purple, three Blue Congratulations 4-H Members on a job well done. Thank you, leaders, for taking the time to share your knowledge with these young people.  Members succeed in 4-H when there is family support so thank you, parents, for your support and encouragement during this past 4-H year. A new 4-H year will begin October 1, 2010 for children ages six through 18. For more information on 4-H or to become a leader please call or stop by the MSU-Mineral County Extension Office, 301 Second Ave E., Superior, MT 59872, phone 406-822-3545.