Track season takes off running
Once again, the Superior track team is
out running laps, jumping over a high jump and launching into the
air with the pole vault.
It was an exciting season last year and it’s sure to be another
exciting season this year.
Coach Tori Lucier said that the team will be down in numbers
because of the athletes who were involved in the accident earlier
in the year.
Still, 28 kids are coming out and she said that 18 students are
returning, including nine that competed at state last year.
“We have three all state returning as well in Kaitlynn Koke, Ashley
Blaylock and Nicole Stroot,” Lucier said.
The team will head to Frenchtown for the first meet of the season
on April 2.
“I want every athlete to have success,” Lucier said of her hopes
for the season. “And to break school records and to place and win
at state.”
Track, unlike other sports, has several different events that
students will compete in. Lucier said that certain qualities will
help students succeed,
“(It takes) will power and hard work,” Lucier said.
Lucier has been coaching track for 26 years and has served as head
coach for 12 years.
She said that her goals as coach are to help kids succeed and
perform at their full potential.