Monday, February 24, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Fear Monger or legitimate warning ?

| April 22, 2011 9:41 AM

Think about it. If a road sign says ‘bridge out ahead’, or one that says ‘railroad crossing’, what are they? They are warnings signs informing us that there is, or that there may be, trouble ahead. They aren’t meant to scare you, they are meant to make you alert.

Yet why is it when we are presented with facts about the economic and political situation

The folks on the other side of the political fence call it fear mongering? We all know that one must be informed so as to make intelligent decisions pertaining to one’s well being. Yes, when a doctor says take this or don’t do that there may be some fear injected – but it is to make you feel better or to save your life. We don’t call a doctor a fear monger. The doctor is ‘warning’ you. Today, around the world, there is a vast amount of unrest,  of riots, and of killings.

They began due to high food costs as a result of inflation. Here in the United States, we see the inflation creeping up and there is a great deal of information presented with historical facts to suggest that we are on a similar collision course.

Today is Thursday April 14, 2011 and I have a great fear, a very great fear that we are literally at the cross roads for the survival of our country. Yes, I have been concerned for a very long time. But now it has moved from concern to fear. It is most likely a result of my mentally putting all of today’s economic and political pieces together and holding them up for review and comparison with the known facts of similar situations throughout history. It is a strong, a very strong feeling that hit me. Like a gut punch. I pick up ‘vibes’ from the vast amount of reading that I do, both of the present day happenings and of history. When I read, or listen, to the words of our politicians, and realize from my knowledge of history that what they are forcing down or throats is not a cure but rather a larger dose of poison, it pushes the fear button. And that is damn close to the panic button.

Yes I am frightened. No, not for myself, fore I’m “getting on in years”. But I have a great fear for all of our children and for their children. Now - I don’t mean that the United States of America will dissolve tomorrow, but I do believe that if we are unable

to get back on the right path – and soon – we are doomed as a nation. And that doom could very well be within our lifetime unless we can persuade enough people that we must change course. The economic and political warnings are all around us, yet so – so many people are in a state of unconsciousness regarding this economic and social situation,

that it is terrifying. And it is not only here in our country but throughout the world as well. I am ashamed, and I’m upset, with our educational system for advancing our children without teaching them ‘how’ to think or how to reach reasonable decisions. I am also upset with myself, and with you, and with all of us, for letting our educational system

and, our country, get this far into a crisis without attempting to correct it sooner. I see the signs all around us. I just hope that you see them too, or that you will open your eyes and see them. Our problem is with the vast ignorance of people when it come to logic and creativity, and is, in my opinion disgraceful. The envy, the jealousy, the decrease

in morals, the ‘politically incorrect’, atmosphere have all gotten us close to the point of  “no return”,  - - but hopefully not quite to that point yet. They have however created very distinct divisions, and divisive attitudes, between the liberal and conservative elements of our society. A fight is brewing! And it could, and most likely will, get very ugly !

One side wants a country of moral decency, respect for others, and an economic system of free enterprise. The other side apparently wants whatever it can get at the expense of others, regardless of the results, or the degradation, of their fellow man. Everyone should

take some time and reflect on their beliefs.  When you get right down to it, it really comes down to philosophy. Now I, like many, have been ‘fighting’ in our own small way, to inform (warn) folks of the dangers. But it will take an “army” of concerned citizens like you and me to act.  Job one is get us off this course leading toward total socialism,

and then, to work just as hard for a complete overhaul of our disgraceful educational system.

Fred Carl, Superior, MT