Monday, February 24, 2025

Plains Trap Club holds turkey shoot

by Tess McEnroe
| April 26, 2011 12:45 PM

The Plains Trap Club held their annual spring turkey shoot last weekend.  The turkey shoot is a fun, special event open to the public and draws shooters from all over Montana and Idaho.

Turkey shoots originated in the old days and have been at many clubs for a long time, said Harry Greene, a local Plains Trap Club member. 

“People would aim for the head of a caged turkey, and if they shot the head they would get to keep the turkey to eat,” said Greene.  “Now it’s just an event that has been around forever and a good way to get people together and have a good time.”

A range of about 75 shooters from Sanders County, Missoula and Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho gathered at the event for shooting clay pigeons, prizes and a pork and turkey themed barbeque.

A small entry fee went to the trap club and to pay for the shooting materials such as the clay pigeons.

In other news, the Plains Trap Club has finished short yardage for their spring league. Howdy Vassar won high short yardage with a perfect score of 100. Jackie Garrigus won the ladies high short yardage with a score of 92. Over the duration of four weeks, 33 other shooters shot 25 straight. The scores of the 13 teams are as follows:  The Left Over’s had 478, the Rock Jocks of Block Mountain had 475, the V.F.W. had 472, the Wild Horse also had 472, Valley Business had 471, RTI had 448, Plains Auto Parts had 436, the Forest Service team had 418, and Brinson’s Building Supply had 414.

For more information on the Plains Trap club go to their web site at