Friday, February 21, 2025

Sanders County Sheriff Report

| February 16, 2011 1:27 PM

2/6/11 9:13 p.m. A Plains woman called police stating that she and her boyfriend had gotten into a fight and he left her residence intoxicated in her car without her permission to take the car.  The woman later reported the car stolen.

2/7/11 1:32 a.m. A Thompson Falls woman reported she could her fire crackers or gunshots, along with loud voices.  She suspected it was possible Superbowl celebrating near Grove or Main St.

2/7/11 9:09 a.m.  A burglary report in Noxon called in, after walking in to the building with items strewn all over the room.  At the time of the call, the person was still unsure of what was missing.

2/8/11 6:20 p.m.   A deer was hit by a vehicle on the outside of town near the weigh station, resulting in no damage to the vehicle but killing the deer.

2/8/11 8:01 p.m.  An officer responded to a trespassing call and possible vandalism to private property on Reich Street.

2/8/11 8:18p.m. A deputy responded to the possible neglect and mistreatment of a pupp on Clark Creek Loop.

2/9/11 11:07 a.m.  Reports of threats issued over the phone by a woman named Michelle Maura told the caller who lives on Ponderosa Lane that she was “coming for her [explicative] daughter and then she was coming for her and her car.”

2/9/11 6:30 p.m.  Reports of a man harassing a dog near Gannaway Loop was called in to the deputy’s office.  The man and neighbor of the dog said it barks constantly and its owners need to be talked to about this problem.

2/11/11 5:11 p.m.  Officers responded to vehicle rollover accident near mile marker 16 on Highway 135. The white sedan was flipped over expelling fuel and debris.  The female driver was bleeding and pinned in her car according to witnesses.

2/11/11 10:51 p.m. A blue and white truck spun in the road off the side, but maintained control to get back on the road. The truck was later taked to  Tyes Auto.

2/11/11 11:43 p.m.  A report of someone shooting a rifle in the area near Donlun Flats was called in, stating that this has gone on for almost an hour intermittently, making it difficult for the woman to sleep.  The caller was unable to determine where the shots were coming from but could possibly be Clark Fork Outfitters.

2/12/11 5:48 p.m. There was a reported gas run off leak at Aitkens in Noxon earlier that afternoon near Highway 200.

2/12/11 9:25 p.m. A call was reported of a possibly intoxicated man who was slurring his speech in a bar at 213 Main St. who complained he was being harassed for not giving him proper police representation.

2/12/11 10:05 p.m.  A man reported that when he came out of the movie theater on Jefferson St. there was an unknown female asleep in his vehicle.