Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chamber changes date of Plains Day

by Trevor Murchison
| January 19, 2011 1:26 PM

The Plains Chamber of Commerce met last Wednesday, Jan. 12, and the main topic on the agenda was the date of Plains Day this year.

Plains Day had previously been held the first weekend in June, but was changed to the second weekend in June last year with the hopes of improving scheduling and potentially taking advantage of better weather. Unfortunately, Plains Day then coincided with Homesteader Days, a yearly festival held in Hot Springs.

The date was changed back after concerns from Hot Springs about this conflict.

Members of the chamber felt that this move was largely positive, and allowed both communities to be supportive of each other’s events.

Randy Garrison, owner of the Printery in Plains, felt the move was good for both towns.

“Both communities want their own identity,” Garrison said.

Additions will also be made to the event. The Fair Commission, lead by Mike Hashisaki, is working on adding a demo derby event to Plains Day. This comes in response to the popularity of the demo derby held at the end of the Sanders County Fair every year, and is thought to be an event that would draw people to the area and potentially increase attendance at Plains Day.

The chamber went on to discuss upcoming events, as well as ideas for new events. Hashisaki presented an idea to the chamber about a farmer’s market style event that would be held every weekend in Plains.

“It would be a common thing,” Hashisaki said.

The event, which is also sponsored by the Fair Commission, would be a venue for local food and crafts vendors to sell their wares as regular fixtures of the event. Hashisaki also felt that the event could serve as a sort of a community garage sale, giving community members an opportunity to come together in one location to hold sales. 

The chamber also discussed next year’s Winterfest, and decided to move it to Saturday instead of Sunday. The fair lighting event was moved as well to coincide with Winterfest.