Saturday, March 01, 2025

Q&A with Noxon Lady Devil's Coach Ron Jungert

by Mike Miller Valley
| March 12, 2011 10:58 AM

Ron Jungert

What was your favorite moment from this year’s basketball season?

My proudest moment was probably how the girls finished the season at the tournament, the fact that they refused to give up. They were limping out there on the floor, but they just never gave up.

What was your team’s biggest challenge? How did they respond?

Their biggest challenge was finding their new identity. They responded well. They adapted to my new philosophy. I had to lay the hammer down a few times, but they responded well to it.

In what areas did you see the most improvement?

I would say their commitment to the team.

When and how did you see the greatest character exhibited by your team?

It was each game. We grew each game, literally.

What are you looking forward to the most about next season?

We’re looking forward to getting some more girls out there. There were some girls that didn’t join the team this year that could have.

I think we’re going to make a lot more noise, I’ve got my first year of coaching out of the way, the girls are excited they’re going to be playing a lot of basketball at open gym during the summer.

Next season could very easily be our season if we work hard for it. I’m looking forward to seeing the end result.

Any final thoughts on the season?

I’m proud of them. They’re a great group of girls. The sky is the limit for this team. I think we opened a lot of eyes this season, but I think we’re going to really pop some eyes out next season, because we’re going to be able to do a lot of work. I’m excited to get out there and do it again.