Thursday, March 06, 2025

We the people: Session half way over

| March 13, 2011 9:40 AM

We are now past the halfway point of the session, where all non-revenue bills which have passed the Senate have been sent to the House and all approved House bills sent to the Senate. One thing I have not heard much about in the discussions on state funding is the potential for global economic problems to have a negative influence on state funding; for example, we are at war in the Middle East, gas prices in the country are soaring, and Montana’s development is down.  The remainder of the session should be interesting, and I look forward to seeing how it all shakes out.

We have had some interesting bills in Senate Judiciary this past week. I had the privilege of voting for HB106:  Provide for a 24/7 sobriety project for impaired driving offenders.  This bill, I believe, will do more to remove drunk drivers off Montana’s roads than any other law. It has been implemented in Lewis and Clark County and has had a 99.8% success rate. The law is modeled after a law which took South Dakota’s DUI fatality rate to the lowest in the nation; a 64% reduction in DUI related fatalities since beginning the program.  Montana currently has the highest DUI fatality rate in the nation.  I am convinced this 24/7 law will change public perception of the DUI issue forever. The law will require second offense DUI drivers to visit the local sheriff’s office twice a day for a year and submit to a “blow” test. If that individual lives too far away from the sheriff’s office they may wear a SCRAM (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor) bracelet.  The offender pays for the costs, which means there are no costs to the taxpayers. I view my “yes” vote on this bill one of the most important votes I have had in two sessions.

Montana has the highest work comp rates in the nation, and almost the lowest in take-home pay.  The cost of doing business in Montana is a major deterrent to creating jobs. HB 334 on workers’ comp will reduce those rates by as much as 20% by July and up to 45% next year. This morning we passed HB 71 out of committee to ensure that illegal aliens do not receive workers’ comp. This bill, which I am carrying in the Senate for Rep. Gordon Vance, received a lot of resistance. I voted in favor the bill. It seems many forget the real issue is the word “illegal”. Why should Montana’s taxpayers and businesses be giving benefits to those here illegally?  The withstanding liability that will be placed on employers will serve as a deterrent against the illegal hiring of non-legal residents.  I view this adds much needed accountability to all parties.  

I would like to point out some of the job bills that will turn around Montana’s stagnant economy. This is just a partial list of bill numbers which you can view in full at, on our Facebook page at Montana Republican Legislature, or on the Montana Legislative Services website; SB109, Sen. Debby Barrett; HB100, Rep. Gordon Vance; SB201, Sen. Ed Walker; HB334, Rep. Scott Reichner; HB292, Rep. Dan Kennedy; SB159, Sen. Jason Priest; SJR6, Sen. Alan Olson; SB286, Sen. Alan Olson; SB312, Sen Chas Vincent; HB 454, Rep. Pat Connell; SB117, Sen. Greg Hinkle; HB187, Rep. Pat Connell; HB445, Rep. Cary Smith; HB466, Rep. Ryan Osmundson; HB240, Rep. Kelly Flynn; SB317, Sen. Chas Vincent; SB372, Sen. Bruce Tutvedt; HB593, Rep. Duane Ankney; SB242, Sen. John Brenden; BH402, Rep. Matt Rosendale; HB541, Rep. Jeff Welborn; HB359, Rep. Gordon Vance; HB412, Rep. Bill Harris; HB550, Rep. Joe Read; HB559, Rep. John Esp; SB290, Sen. Ryan Zinke; HB405 Rep. Janna Taylor; HB542, Rep. John Esp; HB526, Rep. Champ Edmunds; HB479, Rep. Sterling Small; SB330, Sen. Ed Walker and SB341, Sen. Eric Moore.

We made a commitment to promoting jobs and the economy this session.  That is being accomplished regardless of what you hear or see in the media. We are working very hard to get these bills into law. Hopefully, our governor will see the value of these bills and sign them into law. We are long overdue in enhancing the environment for decent paying jobs, and it’s time to open Montana up for business, jobs, and the funding we need to provide valuable education and other programs.  We will not burden our children with financial irresponsibility or a deficit spending addiction.  We will leave Helena with a balanced state budget.

Thank you for all the support and encouragement.  Please feel free to contact me at 444-4800 or email at

by Sen. Greg Hinkle