Thursday, March 13, 2025

Phone book entry deadline approaches

by Summer Crosby
| March 30, 2011 11:11 AM

The Mineral County Chamber of Commerce wants to remind businesses and people who work out of their homes that the deadline to get an advertisement in the Mineral County Yellow Pages Phone book is fast approaching. The deadline is April 15th.

Robert Lyons, Chamber president, said that the book will be mailed to every home and business in the county.

“We’re looking at mailing out a little over 2,500 books,” he said. “If you get mail for any reason, then you will be getting a book.”

Lyons said that rather than wait for the regular phone book to include county businesses, services and organizations in Mineral County, it is time that Mineral County had its own yellow pages.

Lyons said that there will be about 500 copies that will be printed that will be set aside for hotels and places people stay at within the county. He said that right now they have about 70 ads going into the books.

“We were planning about 32 pages and now we’re planning for about 48 pages,” Lyons said.

Lyons said he wants to remind people about the deadline because they are already starting to put the book together and get the data entered. He said they hired Superior senior Michele Reinalt to help out in this area as well. Reinalt, of course, is very skilled and came highly recommended. She’d also competed in such things with BPA.

“We also want to let people know that we can help them out some with putting an ad together,” Lyons said. “We can at least help them get something going.”

Lyons said that it’s important that if anyone wants to be in the phone book that they let them know because they won’t be extending the deadline.

“We want to get these mailed around the first week of May,” Lyons said. “We want them out in the community and at the hotels before summer starts.”

The Mineral County Yellow Pages book is actually going to serve as a tool for the buy local program. The chamber received a small grant of $400 toward the buy local program and one of the first things they are doing is redesigning the stickers. The slogan of the campaign is “Local businesses, use them or lose them.”

“This book is the tool that is going to make the buy local program work because if people don’t know what’s available then how can they shop local,” Lyons said. “We want people to put the big book out in the garage. Check the little book first and if you can’t find it in here then go look in the big book. We want people to turn to the little book first.”

 For more information call 822-4800 or 822-4749.