Thursday, March 13, 2025

A day at the trike races

by Keith Cousins/Mineral Independent
| April 5, 2012 8:00 PM

Rainy weather let up Saturday long enough for fans and racers to enjoy a day of tricycle races at the Talking Bird Bar in St. Regis for the ninth annual Trike Races. 

The event was started nine years ago by Talking Bird bartender Debbie Norris and has drawn attendees and participants from all over ever since. 

“It brings the community together,” Janet Burnham, a St. Regis resident said. “When we first started, a lot more kids came out but it still brings a lot of kids out and it is a family event.” 

Kenny Jasper hosted the day of races and at the beginning of the event, teams of racers gathered in the bar to hear the official rules. 

“You must actually sit on the trike and drink one glass of beer or pop before you start your lap,” Jasper said. “If you crash then just jump back on and finish. The most important thing is you got to have fun.” 

Teams of four competitors broke off into groups of two and waited on either side of the track. On Jasper’s mark, the first competitor drained their beverage of choice and was given a push start up to a red line by the other teammate. 

After the first racer made it past the red line on the other side of the course, the next member of the team drank their beverage and was given a push start. 

This continued until all four members of the team had completed a lap. Groups of four teams at a time raced in heats.   

Kelli Hendon, a resident of Ymatilla, Oregon, is friends with Norris and has been bringing family and friends to participate and watch the event every year.

“Debbie Norris started this whole thing and has been making me come out here,” Hendon said. “For nine years we’ve been coming out and loosing, but we lose with dignity. Maybe this year we will win though – this team rocks.” 

The ninth time wasn’t a charm for Hendon’s team - instead it was a dark horse coming out from the losers bracket made up of St. Regis and Superior locals, 

“We lost the last three years,” Travis Sinkins of the Taco Taster team said. “This year after we got into the losers heat we knew we would win it.” 

After losing their first race, the Taco Tasters went on a winning streak and made it all the way to the final round of competition. 

Roberto Avilla started things off for the Taco Tasters with a furious first leg that gave his team a sizable lead going into the next three laps. 

“I was pedaling so fast my shoes were smoking,” Avilla said. 

The rest of the Taco Taster team followed Avilla’s lead and by the last lap of the final round it was clear that they would secure the trophy and a year of bragging rights. 

“”We had some stiff competition but we took it in the end,” Sinkins said. 

“We didn’t just win, we smoked it,” Eric Steinebach added. 

As the races wound down, participants and spectators funneled back into the Talking Bird for a post-race barbecue and more fun with friends.