Friday, March 14, 2025

Mineral County goes to Ireland

DE BORGIA - Those who came out to the De Borgia Historic Schoolhouse Saturday had the lucky chance of being Irish Saturday in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. 

The De Borgia Historic Schoolhouse Foundation cooked up an “authentic Irish dinner,” which comprised corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, other steamed veggies as well as bright green lemonade. A silent auction was also offered along with the dinner. Local ladies Carol Lynch, Helen Tooker, Helen’s daughter Melissa, and Sherril Christensen had spent the whole of Saturday preparing the cultured meal.

“They have been peeling, cutting and cooking all day,” Schoolhouse Foundation president Susan Charles said. “The rest of us made desserts at home, but they have been here in this kitchen and have made a great meal.”

Over 70 people breezed in and out of the old schoolhouse’s doors over the course of the evening. 

“We had set up to seat 60 people,” Charles said. “But I think around 70 have been coming in and out. We - the Historic Schoolhouse Foundation - have just two dinners like this a year, and for such a small community like De Borgia, a lot of people come out.”

The other dinner is the spaghetti feed in the fall season. Charles said funds raised at such functions like the dinners and yard sales go straight to the repair and maintenance of the old schoolhouse. In the summer of 2011, they were able to paint the exterior walls as well as the downstairs interior walls. They were also able to re-furbish the downstairs floors and staircases. The next project, which the St. Patrick’s Day dinner helped fund, is to refurbish the upstairs floors in the former recess rooom. Treasurer John DuBois said the large room upstairs was originally the recess room for students. 

“We want to restore the whole room the way it used to look back in the early 1900s,” DuBois said. “But it will take a lot more work. Re-wiring, paint, re-insulation.”

 The St. Patrick’s Day dinner silent auction raised $218, an amount Charles said she was very pleased with.

ST. REGIS - The St. Regis Community Center hosted St. Patrick’s Day festivities on Saturday with a potluck dinner and concert by The Old Time Fiddlers. 

Over 80 people attended the event and were encouraged to bring a side dish to go along with the traditional corned beef and cabbage. 

“We just kind of do it as a community function,” Community Council President John Cheesman said. “And this time we have a lot of community.” 

Cheesman added that funds from the annual Flea Market go towards community events throughout the year such as the potluck. 

“It gets them together so they can visit,” Eileen Wolff said as she refilled the table with cabbage. 

Wolff was responsible for bringing The Old Time Fiddlers to the event and the music they provided kept spirits high among attendees.

“Sometimes I’m kind of disappointed with the turnout,” Cheesman said. “But this time I think it’s a real good turnout.” 

Shirley Thompson, a St. Regis resident, used to play the violin and was excited to hear The Old Time Fiddlers. 

“I love some of these old songs,” Thompson said. “This is a pretty nice turnout for an event like this.” 

After attendees had gotten their fill from the potluck, they continued in the St. Patrick’s spirit with dancing and conversation. 

“It promotes community spirit and good will,” Thompson said. “I am a big advocate of that.”