Saturday, March 01, 2025

County requests agency grant information

by Keith Cousins/Mineral Independent
| October 4, 2012 2:35 PM

 Mineral County Commissioners Administrative Assistant Cindy Grimm proposed that the county gather information relating to information on grants in various county agencies.   

 Grimm said that the information gathering would enable the county to know how much grant money is circulating and the status of each grant. 

 “Do we know how many grants are being run in the county presently,” County Commissioner Roman Zylawy asked Grimm. 

 “No clue,” Grimm responded. “The only thing that I do know is that, and I can use the West End Volunteer Fire Department because I know that right off the bat, that grant was not being run through the county even though it came through the county.” 

  Grimm said that if the commissioners would like the information on the grants gathered she could gather it, but she needed the consent of the county commissioners to do so. 

 “If the commissioners want it I will send out a memo and gather all of the budgets and stuff from any grant that is going through the county,” Grimm said. 

 Commissioner Zylawy said that he “had no idea” how many grants were currently being run through the county and Grimm said that she did not either. 

 “It may help you in at least knowing where you are with grants to gather up the information and then you can look at it and see how many we have and where they are being administrated,” Grimm said. 

 Commissioner Duane Simons and Commissioner Zylawy discussed what other counties with similar sized governments do with grants and stated that they would like to look into how these counties handle it.

 “I think it would be an interesting question to see what Sanders county does, maybe what Lincoln county does,” Commissioner Simons said. 

 Since Commissioner Clark Conrow left Friday’s meeting early, both Commissioner Simons and Zylawy stated that they would like to discuss the matter further when everyone was present. 

 “Well, when we have Clark we can talk about it more,” Commissioner Zylawy said. 

 “Maybe we can also see what some of these other counties do in the meantime.” 

 On Monday the County Commissioners reopened the discussion and concluded that an email should go out to all county agencies requesting a budget of every grant they are associated with. 

 The request will ask that agencies submit this budget by the second week of January.