Monday, March 03, 2025

Plains Town Council addresses mail-in ballots and pool

by Colin Murphey/Valley Press
| April 3, 2013 10:21 AM

Plains Town Council met for their monthly meeting on Monday at the Town Hall. About 12 members of the public were in attendance. After hearing an update from Plains Volunteer Fire Department member Kyle Johnson on recent activities and a notice about the upcoming Fireman’s Ball on April 20, the council moved on to old business.

First on the agenda was an update from Mayor Michael Brinson about the recent work on the water system in Plains. Binson said that most of the meters had been replaced and the town was waiting on the remaining few to be delivered.

The council discussed the matter of adopting a mail-in ballot system for local elections that passed unanimously.

New business for the council began with a motion from the last meeting about the swim team’s usage of a storage shed for some of their equipment. A representative for the Plains swim club known as the Piranhas spoke to the council. The swim club stated that they wished to come to a mutually beneficial agreement with the town.

Their compelling argument that they provide a valuable resource for kids and also generate funds from pool usage fees from members persuaded the council to reconsider the arrangement and allow the swim club time to examine the new proposal.

Next on the agenda was an issue regarding compliance with Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt bond regulations. The measure also passed unanimously.

The final issue put forth by Sandy Chenoweth voiced concern over the need to attend to the needs of the Parks and Recreation Committee regarding how and when to hire lifeguards to handle the safety of those using the pool facilities.

After deciding to hire back the pool manager and pushing back the decision to staff the lifeguards until a closer date of the pools opening, the council was adjourned by Mayor Brinson.