Sanders County Senior News
Thompson Falls
Another tax season is behind us. I am sure that we are all glad about that. Our Center was able to offer accounting help to many families this year. We are grateful to the accountants who came, and offered their services to our communities.
While I am not an avid gardener, I am looking forward to some nicer weather. I feel the urge to get out and uncover whatever plants are trying to poke through the ground but; it’s just too cold for me to venture out. The sun has been seen a bit more than normal this year, and that makes me want to see more of it.
Our center has had many activities available for that past few months, so we have been taking a break for a couple of weeks. A ‘Count the Number of Golf Balls in the Container” is the next activity we have planned. Come to one of our meals and try guessing with everyone.
Our menu for the next week is as follows
Thursday dinner April 18 is roast
Tuesday lunch April 23 is Spaghetti
Thursday dinner April 25 is Meatloaf
Tuesday lunch April 30 is grilled burgers and dogs.
Nancy Gressang, Treasurer