Friday, March 14, 2025

Superior Town Council awards town office bid

by Keith Cousins/Mineral Independent
| April 17, 2013 10:48 AM

At a regular meeting of the Superior Town Council on April 9, council members unanimously awarded Patterson Construction Inc. with the bid for the Town Offices.

The offices will be built as an addition to the existing fire hall and prior to voting on the bid the council discussed the three bids they received as well as the recommendation from the projects architect.

In new business, Shawn and Chandra Plakke attended representing the Superior Youth Baseball Association to discuss various improvements the association would like to make to Timberman Memorial Park.

According to the official minutes from the meeting, it was stated that volunteers are in place to do the work on the park if the town would be willing to help with materials.

Among the proposed improvements to the park are the replacement of doors to the storage and concession rooms as well as acquiring lumber to replace benches in dugouts and close gaps at the top of the dugouts.

The council discussed the request from the Superior Youth Baseball Association and “agreed that the town would help with materials for the improvements.”

Shawn also asked the council for permission to build a batting cage at the park in between the two baseball fields and said he would bring a plan to the next council meeting for review.

Roger Wasley discussed two separate instances of vandalism at parks in Superior including the merry-go-round at Frank James Park.

“A neighbor told Wasley that a vehicle ran up on the merry-go-round breaking it,” the minutes read. “Wasley reported that the center pin and the merry-go-round are not broken but the bottom section needs to be replaced. Wasley recommended that the town have a new bottom section fabricated.”

According to Wasley the cost of replacing the entire merry-go-round would be between $5000 and $7000, which prompted the council to unanimously vote to repair the existing merry-go-round.

Wasley also reported that the swing set at Eva Horning Park was bent and “he is not sure how they did it.” The cost to replace the swing set was estimated to be between $8000 and $10,000.

The next meeting of the Superior Town Council will take place on May 13 at 7 pm.