Thursday, February 27, 2025

Letters to the Editor - Dec. 4

| December 4, 2013 1:48 PM

Go market yourself

I read the article in the paper about College Application Week and the people involved were happy that 42 out of 45 seniors were able to fill out a college application. Something seems wrong with that. What I mean is shouldn’t ALL seniors be able to fill out a college application by the time they get to the 12th grade.

Also why didn’t the students start filling out college applications while they were either a second semester sophomore or at least as a junior?

I notice in the article that on the 5th of February 2014 the students will start filling out applications for assistance. In an age of debt why are these kids starting off this late to look for money and that money being loans. Rodeo cowboys and NASCAR drivers both go out looking for sponsors by marketing themselves. Wouldn’t it be better for the students if the school system taught them how to market themselves to the corporations that have the money? Yes this does take time and effort but doesn’t the end justify the time and effort put in by the student. If they have sponsorships or scholarships isn’t that better than a loan?

Chappy Krauthoff,


Look at benefits of ACA

This letter is written in response to (or in support of) Jim Ahrens’ recent editorial in the Missoulian regarding the Affordable Care Act (11/25/13). Even though I do acknowledge that the law has several problems that still need to be worked out, I feel it is important to look at the benefits of the law as it stands and then to work together to change the problems, rather than attempting to repeal the whole law.

Some of the elements of the act have already been implemented and are helping certain individuals and families now and two of them have actually already benefited some of my family members. My father has had two annual preventative health exams at no cost and at one was actually diagnosed with a precancerous condition, which may not have been noticed during a regular office visit. Also, my sister, who has two daughters in college, has been able to keep them both covered on her policy and will do so until they are 26 years old (and hopefully done with college by then).

I am particularly anxious, as a cancer survivor, to be able to obtain insurance come January 1, 2014. In early September, I contacted an insurance company to see if I could buy coverage and was told no, not with a pre-existing condition, but to check back on October 1st. It is important to note that up until this summer I had no major illnesses or health problems since my early 30s and only sought medical care for my annual exams and dental care - and I am 62 years old. I truly thought that I would never contract a life threatening illness but now realize that it CAN happen to anyone at any time in their lives.

Therefore, I would recommend that those of you who qualify for insurance through the ACA, no matter how old or how healthy, take this opportunity to get affordable health insurance. Although I was able to complete my enrollment and purchase affordable, quality insurance through the website, I realize that the process can be very time consuming and frustrating.

If you need help in applying, I would urge you to contact your local ACA Navigator (in Mineral County: Kristi Scott at 822-7134) for assistance in getting enrolled in the program. It DOES work!

Diane L. Magone,
