Monday, March 03, 2025

Sanders County Senior News

| February 13, 2013 2:07 PM

Thompson Falls

Now that the holidays are past, and we are waiting for the spring thaw, the Center has decided to hold another Silent Auction. We had such a great time last year, checking our bids and seeing what articles were getting the most attention. We are opening the bidding to anyone who would like to visit us and take a look.

A lovely quilt crafted and donated by the local quilting guild is just one of the many items awaiting bids. The quilt and exercise bike and other items are being shown at the Thompson Falls senior citizens at 1191 Mount Silcox Drive. Other offerings include a guitar, paintings, full set of Rena Ware pots and pans, new queen size inflatable mattress, and much more, large items and small.

The center will be open for bidders to make their choices on February 12, 19 and 20, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Also February 14 and 21, from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.; and February 15 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

February 22 is the final day beginning at 10 a.m. Buyers can pay for and pick up their purchases at 3 p.m.

Serious bidders check their status a few times during the sale to see if they should offer more. The last day gets quite interesting.

Keep in mind, that we are still making appointments for help with Tax Preparations. The dates for this month are Feb 12th, and 26th. Please call 827- 3547 to make an appointment.

Meals for the next few days are as follows:

Tues., 2/12 lunch at Noon is soup and sandwiches

Thurs.,2/14 dinner at 6:00 is roast

Tues., 2/19 lunch at Noon is stir fry

Nancy Gressang,



According to the National Groundhog, spring is on its way. There are some signs around, as I spotted a robin drinking from a bird bath, and there are tiny pussy willows just peeping out! I also found three tiny pink primroses popping up from a very protected spot in a flower bed.

Thanks to six little members of the Dixon Preschool, with their teacher. They visited during our lunch, sang “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” (red for Valentine?) and left some decorated home-made hearts for our table decor.

There’s still time to make reservations for the Dixon School Ski Club

Valentine dinner this Thursday. Call the school at 246-3566 by

Wednesday, Feb. 13. Come single or with a sweetie/friend, for a roast beef dinner, served by students, with special Valentine treats for all.

It was good to see Marie Ardis back at the center. She was happily surprised by a visit from son, Robert, from Kalispell. Hopefully the worst of the cold/flu season is leaving our area. It’s hit a lot of us who usually don’t get sick in the winter.

February’s meals will be:

Thurs. Feb. 14 Roast beef

Mon. Feb. 18 Chicken Broccoli Alfredo

Thurs. Feb. 21 Tilapia (fish)

Mon. Feb. 25 Pork Roast

Thurs. Feb. 28 Baked chicken

Remember, meals are served at noon on Thursdays and at five o’clock each Monday. You may take a meal home, or to a neighbor. A good treat this Thursday, Valentine’s Day!

Martha Swonson,
