Friday, March 14, 2025

Sanders County Senior News

| February 21, 2013 10:19 AM


Many of we Dixonites, as well as a few out-of-towners, enjoyed a delicious roast beef dinner served by students at Dixon School at the Valentine Dinner. We don’t have many evening activities in our little town, and this was well-supported. Thanks, Ski Club, for providing us something special to do on that special evening! Another event coming up is a Talent Show at the school on Thurs., Feb 28 from 6 - 8 p.m. If you will share your talent, please call the school at 246-3566 by Feb. 20, to get on the program.

Allene Cole was happy to have her three daughters, two grands, a great and a great-great, plus friends, sharing the Valentine dinner experience with her. Daughter Sally Cole-Whiffen, was able to get through the snow of CT to come visit for a month.

Another recent visitor to our center is Dewey Obenchain, from Ronan, who enjoyed the great meal and fellowship. Remember, you needn’t be a “senior” to come to the center. All ages are welcome. We even have some entertaining toddlers coming, such as Delene Tufly’s darling granddaughter. It’s fun to see how quickly they grow and learn from visit to visit!

Meals are on Monday’s at five o’clock, and at noon on Thursdays.

Meals in February will be:

Thurs. Feb. 21 Tilapia (fish)

Mon. Feb. 25 Pork Roast

Thurs. Feb. 28 Baked Chicken

The Pinochle players will meet at Dixon on Monday, Feb. 25 at 1:30. Come join in, and stay for dinner.

Enjoy our pre-spring signs--coming out all over!

Martha Swonson, Secretary

Thompson Falls

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day. It’s always a celebration for Larry and me, as it’s our older son’s birthday.

Our next Jam Session is Sat., 2/23, from 1:00 to 4:00. Also, the tax preparers will be here 2/26, from 10:00 to 3:00. Please call 87-3457 for an appointment.

Meals coming up as follows:

Thurs., 2/21 Dinner at 6:00 is chicken

Tues., 2/26 Lunch at noon is pizza

Thurs., 2/28 Dinner at 6:00 is turkey pot pie

Jane Ward, Secretary