Friday, March 14, 2025

Sasquatch hunters invade De Borgia

by Keith Cousins/Mineral Independent
| February 21, 2013 8:55 AM

On a rainy Saturday night in De Borgia, hunters of the legendary Sasquatch gathered at the O-Aces restaurant to compete for the honor of best Sasquatch hunter.

Six participants entered the competition, which featured three males in their finest Sasquatch hunting attire and three females in outfits used to attract a Sasquatch from deep in the woods.

“I was talking to Bob (Kortuem) and he said something about Sasquatch,” John DuBois said. “From there I just got carried away.”

The result of DuBois getting “carried away” was the first annual “Sasquatch Hunting Fashion Show” an event advertised with the purpose of “conducting a night of fun for community hunters and spouses and to fight cabin fever.”

The males started off the show with Bob Kortuem, Bruce Charles and John DuBois taking the stage to show off their Sasquatch hunting attire. Kortuem was dressed as a “proper Englishman” complete with a homemade Sasquatch detection device.

Charles was outfitted in a ghillie suit for deep camouflage while on the hunt and DuBois was wearing the costume of a hunter who had spent one too many years on the mountain in search of the legendary beast.

By round of applause from the audience, Kortuem won the best costume. DuBois won for best Sasquatch scream.

It was then time for the women to take the stage and Sharon Kortuem, Susan Charles and Gigi DuBois all came out dressed in their finest Sasquatch attractants.

Charles was wearing a Sasquatch colored ghillie suit complete with tiara and Kortuem had an outfit made of camouflage and cookies in order to attract Sasquatch’s sweet tooth. DuBois took another approach entirely and donned a bikini shirt in her attempt to lure the creature.

Charles took the award for best dressed and DuBois had the most popular call for Sasquatch.

As the event wound down it was clear amidst the laughter and conversation that the event was a success and will continue for years to come.