Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mineral County Commissioners Briefs

| January 24, 2013 11:51 AM

The following briefs are from the official minutes of the January 16 Mineral County Commissioners meeting.

Hiring Procedure Discussion

County Commissioner Roman Zylawy read the current county policies and procedures related to the hiring process for county employees.

It was suggested by County Commissioner Laurie Johnston that the county commissioners see all applications and be on the hiring committee for all departments.

Several members of county government including Clerk and Recorder Staci Hayes and Sheriff Ernie Ornelas commented on Commissioner Johnston’s proposal and County Attorney Marcia Boris informed those present she had been researching the policies and practices of other counties.

Boris suggested elected officials in the county have no problem with the commissioners making sure the policy is being adhered too, however they should not be involved in the hiring process.

Further discussion was had prior to Commissioner Zylawy stating that no action needed to be taken at the time.

Animals in the Courthouse Discussion

A discussion was had about the animals being allowed in the courthouse.

Commissioner Duane Simons said the courthouse is a public building and dogs are not allowed in most public buildings.

Further discussion on whether or not dogs should be allowed in the courthouse before Commissioner Simons made a motion that no dogs except service dogs be allowed in the public areas of the courthouse.

The motion was seconded by Commissioner Johnston and approved unanimously.