Monday, February 24, 2025

Skijouring guidelines

| January 24, 2013 9:53 AM

2013 Whitefish Winter Carnival - World Ski Joring Championships Rules


- Open (pro) class

- Sport class

- Novice class

- Mule class

- Long jump

Competition Rules:

1.    Rules are the same for Open, Sport, Novice and Mule Divisions,

2.    All skiers must wear approved snow sport helmets.  Eye protection is recommended.

3.    Helmets and protective vests are recommended for riders

4.    A Horse or mule can compete in only one Division. A horse or mule may not run more than two times in a day.

5.    A Rider may compete in more than one Division, but must compete on a different horse or mule in each Division entered. A rider may compete up to four times in each division in a day. (ThePing contribution)

6.    A Skier can compete in only one Division excepting any entry in the mule division. A skier may compete up to four times in a day in addition to any entry in the mule division. Keep in mind that a skier can run only once behind the same horse or mule in any division in a day.

7.    It is permissible on the second run of any horse or mule in any division, for the rider to become the skier and the skier to become the rider.  Keep in mind a horse or mule can only run twice in a day and must stay in the same division.

8.    Substitutions: no substitutions are allowed for any team member (horse, skier or rider).  If any team member cannot compete for any reason, the team will be disqualified.  No refunds will be given.

9.    Staging between runs: (The Sparby Rule) Each team is allowed four minutes to complete staging and begin the race.  After this allotted time has expired, the competitors will be asked to leave the staging area. The team will be allowed one more attempt to race at the end of the Division.  If the staging time is again exceeded, that team will be disqualified from that day’s competition.  The allotted four-minute time period will begin at the declaration of a clear track.

10.    Finishing the Race – the Skier must finish in an upright position and on at least one ski, with rope in hand when crossing the finish line.  Both skier boots must cross the finish line.  

11.    Gates -Both ski tips and both boots must go around a gate, or the gate is considered missed.

12.    If the Skier drops the rope BEFORE crossing the start line, he/she will be allowed a restart.

13.    Long Jump –The distance of the jump will be measured at the heal of the boot landing--not the imprint of the ski in the snow. Skier must demonstrate control by skiing out of the landing. The Arena Judge shall have the final decision if the skier is in control upon landing i.e., the Protest Committee will not take up this point.


1.    A five second penalty is assessed for each missed jump or gate.

2.    A five second penalty is assessed for any horse breaking the plane of any jump, hitting a gate, or hitting a timing device (i.e. clapper boards).


a.  If a team member has a concern regarding his run, that concern must be brought to the attention of the Arena Judge as soon as possible after the run but not later than the start of the next class.  A Protest Committee consisting of 3 non competing members, experienced in the event, schooled in the rules and selected to have no conflict of interest, will consider the concern presented and make a decision not later than the start of the next class.  The decision of that committee is final and all involved are ask to accept that decision in the spirit of friendly competition.  Keep in mind that Duff does buy beer for the losing party of the dispute.  


Good sportsmanship is important to the success of our event and the image of the community of Whitefish.  Your registration signature pledges your word to the humane treatment of your horse and respectful relationships to all fellow competitors and volunteers hosting this exciting competition.  Failure to comply with the spirit of friendly competition at any of the scheduled events may result in the disqualification of your team or your banishment from future competitions.


Race results will be announced and posted, and prize money and awards will be at The Craggy Range,10 Central   Avenuein downtown Whitefish on Sunday evening beginning at 7 pm.2013 Whitefish Winter Carnival

World Ski Joring Championships Rules

2.    1.      DIVISIONS

•    OPEN (PRO) CLASS – NASJA* sanctioned

•    SPORT (AMATEUR) CLASS – NASJA* sanctioned




*NASJA is the North American Ski Joring Association


1.    OPEN CLASS teams are considered to be the highest skilled competitors with the fastest horses. A team consists of horse, rider and skier.  Entrants may be male or female. Payment of registration fees entitles the registrants to NASJA points accumulation toward National Championship awards in this class.

2.    SPORT CLASS teams are considered to be intermediate level skill participants riding horses that may not be fast enough to be in the open class.  A team consists of horse, rider and skier.  Payment of registration fees entitles registrants to NASJA points accumulation toward National Championship awards in this class. Any horse winning 1st place in this class must move up to the open class for the following year at the Whitefish event.  Any skier winning 1st place in this class must move up to the open class level for the following year at the Whitefish event.

3.    NOVICE CLASS teams are considered to be beginning level competitors riding horses that may not have speed enough to be competitive in the open or the sport class.  Any horse  that wins 1st place in this class must move to a higher level of competition for the following year at the Whitefish event.  Any skier that wins 1st place in this class must move to a higher level of competition for the following year at the Whitefish event.

4.    MULE CLASS   For those of you that don’t know, a mule is a hybrid cross between a female horse and a male donkey (domestic ass). In order to encourage participation, skiers will be allowed to enter this division without compromising the number of times they compete in any other division. A mule, if entered in this division, must stay in this division.  We are actively looking for the fastest ass in theU.S.

5.    LONG JUMP is a separate event and open to any skill level combination of horse, rider and skier.  All participants (skier, rider and horse) are limited to one run per day.

6.    Minimum Age: All competitors must be 18 as of January 26th 2013.


1.    Rules are the same for Open, Sport, Novice and Mule Divisions,

2.    All skiers must wear approved snow sport helmets.  Eye protection is recommended.

3.    Helmets and protective vests are recommended for riders

4.    A Horse or mule can compete in only one Division. A horse or mule may not run more than two times in a day.

5.    A Rider may compete in more than one Division, but must compete on a different horse or mule in each Division entered. A rider may compete up to four times in each division in a day. (ThePing contribution)

6.    A Skier can compete in only one Division excepting any entry in the mule division. A skier may compete up to four times in a day in addition to any entry in the mule division. Keep in mind that a skier can run only once behind the same horse or mule in any division in a day.

7.    It is permissible on the 2nd run of any horse or mule in any division, for the rider to become the skier and the skier to become the rider.  Keep in mind a horse or mule can only run twice in a day and must stay in the same division.

8.    Substitutions: no substitutions are allowed for any team member (horse, skier or rider).  If any team member cannot compete for any reason, the team will be disqualified.  No refunds will be given.

9.    Staging between runs: (The Sparby Rule) Each team is allowed four minutes to complete staging and begin the race.  After this allotted time has expired, the competitors will be asked to leave the staging area. The team will be allowed one more attempt to race at the end of the Division.  If the staging time is again exceeded, that team will be disqualified from that day’s competition.  The allotted four-minute time period will begin at the declaration of a clear track.

10.    Finishing the Race – the Skier must finish in an upright position and on at least one ski, with rope in hand when crossing the finish line.  Both skier boots must cross the finish line.  

11.    Gates -Both ski tips and both boots must go around a gate, or the gate is considered missed.

12.    If the Skier drops the rope BEFORE crossing the start line, he/she will be allowed a restart.

13.    Long Jump –The distance of the jump will be measured at the heal of the boot landing--not the imprint of the ski in the snow. Skier must demonstrate control by skiing out of the landing. The Arena Judge shall have the final decision if the skier is in control upon landing i.e., the Protest Committee will not take up this point.


1.    A five second penalty is assessed for each missed jump or gate.

2.    A five second penalty is assessed for any horse breaking the plane of any jump, hitting a gate, or hitting a timing device (i.e. clapper boards).

5.      SAFETY

1.    Horses – The on-site veterinarian will have the authority to scratch a horse for health reasons or concerns pertaining to the safety of the horse and the image of the sport. Any  member of the organizing committee can require a horse to be examined by the veterinarian prior to racing.

2.    Protective legwear:  It is highly recommended that horses be outfitted with bell and splint boots on each foot (4).

3.    An ambulance crew will be on site. Service, if needed, will be charged to the benefactor of the service by the Whitefish Fire Department.


6.      DISPUTES

a.  If a team member has a concern regarding his run, that concern must be brought to the attention of the Arena Judge as soon as possible after the run but not later than the start of the next class.  A Protest Committee consisting of 3 non competing members, experienced in the event, schooled in the rules and selected to have no conflict of interest, will consider the concern presented and make a decision not later than the start of the next class.  The decision of that committee is final and all involved are ask to accept that decision in the spirit of friendly competition.  Keep in mind that Duff does buy beer for the losing party of the dispute.  

7.      COURSE

1.    Length – Approximately 750 to 800 feet from start to finish gates.

2.    Gates – Breakaway style where skier goes right of red gates and left of blue gates.

3.    Jumps – Three jumps, approximately five feet in height.


1.    Ropes are to be 50ft in length and 3/8” or larger in diameter. Handles on ropes are not permitted.  Any ropes not supplied by the Whitefish organizing committee must be inspected and approved by the Start Master or his designee prior to the start of racing.

2.    Attachment is to the saddle horn or behind the saddle. If the attachment is behind the saddle it must be secured to the primary rigging rings of the saddle via a narrow diameter, non elastic rope, so that pulling rope is within an approximate six inches of the cantle, carabineer included.   Prior to the race the Start Master or his designee must approve any attachment to the saddle.


Good sportsmanship is important to the success of our event and the image of the community of Whitefish.  Your registration signature pledges your word to the humane treatment of your horse and respectful relationships to all fellow competitors and volunteers hosting this exciting competition.  Failure to comply with the spirit of friendly competition at any of the scheduled events may result in the disqualification of your team or your banishment from future competitions.


Race results will be announced and posted, and prize money and awards will be at The Craggy Range,10 Central   Avenuein downtown Whitefish on Sunday evening beginning at 7 pm.