Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Mineral County Commissioners Briefs

| January 30, 2013 1:35 PM

The following briefs are from the official minutes of the Jan. 23 meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners meeting.

Health Insurance Board


Chairman of the Mineral County Health Insurance Committee Sharon Patterson informed the commissioners the committee is recommending the county stay with MACo Health Care Trust for the upcoming fiscal year.

Patterson provided the commissioners with a letter stating the committees reasoning behind the recommendation and discussed the counties current experiences with claims.

No action was taken at the meeting and the county commissioners will consider the recommendation.

Joint Powers Insurance Authority

Annual Meeting

Joint Powers Insurance Authority Agent Greg Jackson discussed several reports including the 2011-12 audit and renewal indications.

Jackson also discussed cyber liability coverage and excess bond options as well as loss control and training plans for the jail.

Reports were also provided to the commissioners with regards to JPA reserves.

Finally, Jackson informed the county commissioners of changes in Worker Compensentation laws and how those changes would impact the county as a whole.