Monday, March 03, 2025

Firearms enthusiasts gather in Plains

by Colin Murphey/Valley Press
| July 8, 2013 9:08 AM

PLAINS- Weapons of all shapes, sizes and calibers were on display at the VFW on Saturday as the venue played host to a gun show. Vendors laid out rifles, shotguns, pistols and more on their tables as potential buyers made their way around the room.

Vendors displayed a wide variety of weapons new and old. Tables with brand new AR-15 models contrasted sharply with tables of flintlock rifles and other assorted vintage military equipment. A few booths exhibited mainly knives and swords while others presented no weapons at all.

At his table, John Trochmann offered no weapons opting instead for books and medical supplies. Volumes on wilderness survival, emergency medical treatment and military manuals on field dressing for combat injuries lined the table next to varying sizes of medical treatment kits. The booth also offered for sale multiple types of medical goods and equipment.

A booth that stood out among the others offered vintage World War II remnants including German helmets and a M1 Garand and M1 Carbine rifles used by American forces. The table also displayed a variety of bayonets and knives from World War II.

Another booth displayed hundreds of knives of every conceivable size and shape. Fixed blade weapons some with handles containing survival supplies in addition to pocketknives with folding blades and pearl handles were laid out across the table.

For first time gun show vendor Matt Boudreau, the show was an opportunity to sell some of the equipment he has gathered over the years. Boudreau’s inventory included a Beretta 502S model rifle and a Sig Sauer SP2022 9mm pistol with a laser sight and flashlight.

“This is my first gun show. I had enough inventory so I thought I’d give it a try,” said Boudreau. “I’m trying to raise money for some other projects. It took me about a year before I had enough items to do a show.”

From antiques to holsters, AK-47s to revolvers, there was something to satisfy every attendee at the gun show. The event ran on Saturday only at the VFW in Plains.

Show organizer Dan Rowan of Plains said he was satisfied with the turnout for the first event of this kind he has arranged.

“I was happy with how it went. We had a good turnout, the vendors did pretty well. I got positive feedback from most of the people who attended,” said Rowan.