Thursday, March 06, 2025

Letter to the Editor - June 5, 2013

| June 5, 2013 10:50 AM

Dear editor,

I have always supported logging. I believe that trees are there to be harvested, a blessing that allows us to build homes and fences and barns. I grew up in a community with lots of logging, and am well aware that it is not always convenient to have logging nearby. However, I do not believe that loggers have the right to disturb or endanger residents in a speed race to get the logs to the mill three minutes faster.

I live on Buffalo Bill Road, which currently has three logging operations engaged in removing timber from Plum Creek Land. The logging trucks spread noxious weeds, create dust and are generally noisy, which most residents tolerate. We support logging, and want to see these men working! However, I just don’t feel the use of jake brakes at 4:30 AM is justified in an area with many houses. Many of the residents are elderly, many have health problems, and having sleep disturbed that early every day is an issue. And, obviously, the jakes are not needed, as only a couple of the trucks are speeding so rapidly as to need to apply them for the curves. What will this speed gain? Three minutes faster to the mill? Could these speeding trucks stop for wildlife, people or pets in the road when it is still dark?

Rena Johnson, Plains