Sunday, February 23, 2025

Pro-life supporters rally in St. Regis

by Keith Cousins/Mineral Independent
| June 5, 2013 11:44 AM

In March Mineral County resident Joan Carol attended a Pro-Life Rally in Kalispell featuring a series of guest speakers as well as a “Walk of Remembrance” where balloons were held and then released by attendees.

The balloons represented the number of abortions performed in Kalispell last year and Carol was moved by the entire event, which prompted her to begin thinking of organizing a similar event in Mineral County.

“I thought about whether or not we have had one (Pro-Life Rally) in the county and since the answer is no I thought why not have one,” Carol said. “It’s got to start somewhere. This is the first and it might be the first of many.”

The rally took place at the St. Regis Park on Saturday afternoon and began with a potluck where attendees ate and socialized.

After lunch was finished, Tom Heacock introduced keynote speaker Derek Skees, a former member of the Montana Legislature and current Pro-Life advocate.

“First off, thank you so much for having me out,” Skees said. “It is my honor to come back into St. Regis. I love this little town and you guys have a lot of hardcore freedom fighters here. I really feel at home and I thank you for your time.”

Skees began his speech by introducing himself and giving a little background of his career in politics.

In the 2012 elections, Skees ran for auditor and said “by the grace of God” he lost the race by over four points.

“I had an interview with a reporter and told him I had already won and he asked me what I meant,” Skees said. “I said I serve the Sovereign God and if God needs my victory to achieve his ends, praise God I’ll win. If God needs my loss to achieve his victories then praise God I’ll lose. So no matter what I’ve already won because I’m doing what he wants.”

Skees continued his address to attendees by reading excerpts of a speech attributed to 18th Century Scottish Lord Alexander Tyler.

“The full context of the speech is quite startling when considered to our world today and I will read the relevant points,” Skees said.

“Paradoxically enough the release of initiative and enterprise made possible by self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within. Again and again after freedom has brought opportunity and some degree of plenty – the competent become selfish, luxury loving and complacent. The incompetent and the unfortunate become envious and covetous. All groups turn from the hard road of freedom to worship the golden calf of economic security.”

Skees continued the excerpt of the speech and then related it to what he felt is currently going on in America – referring to a cycle that leads from freedom to bondage.

“Would you guys agree that this is the truth,” Skees asked.

“Look at the history of what we were, look at Athens, look at every city-state in Italy. All great republics have gone through this exact cycle of death.”

Skees then read several selections from the book of Deuteronomy that he related to the current state of America with regards to a lack of faith in God and a need for a revival.

He added that he “wished” he could give a report of legislative work and progress in the realm of pro-life efforts but he couldn’t. Then he issued a challenge to attendees.

“If you want a change in this age of ruin it has to start with you,” Skees said.

Following Skees’ speech attendees gathered and were given balloons before walking from the park to the bridge over the St. Regis River.

Once at the river a short prayer was said and a “Memorial Wreath” was dropped into the river.

Attendees then released their balloons into the afternoon sky to conclude the day’s events.