FWP seeks applicants for Citizen Advisory Committee
REGION ONE - FWP is seeking volunteer applicants to fill four slots on the Region One Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC). The 14-member CAC is in its 18th year and was established to provide input and guidance to FWP from the public. This is a general advisory committee that works with FWP on all issues and programs.
CAC members come from across northwest Montana. Advisors serve in a volunteer capacity with meals and mileage provided. Evening meetings are held about six times per year.
The function of the CAC is to:
- Help promote Montana’s strong hunting, fishing, trapping, and recreational traditions;
- Help make FWP personnel more available and responsive to the public
- Contribute to local decision-making and local solutions
- Help FWP be aware of issues before they become problems
- Influence the choice of projects to benefit the Region’s fish, wildlife, habitat, anglers, hunters, and other recreationists.
Some of the major issues and programs which have involved the CAC include: boating rules, lake management, big game seasons, bear management, predator management, hunting plans, fisheries management, and information and media.
To apply for the CAC, contact FWP at 752-5501. Interested persons will receive an application by mail or email. You may request an application via email by contacting Martha Abbrescia at mabbrescia@mt.gov.