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Senator Fielder reaches number two spot in state GOP

| June 12, 2013 10:27 AM

Bozeman, MT – With a massive groundswell of support, Northwest Montana’s freshman Senator, Jennifer Fielder (R) Thompson Falls, was elevated to the number two spot in the Montana Republican Party during the state convention June 7-8 in Bozeman.

Montana Republicans representing every county, along with state and national elected officers, turned out in droves to cast votes for party leadership over the weekend. While Chairman Will Deschamps of Missoula fended off two challengers to maintain his hold on the top spot, Fielder’s election to the Vice Chair position was deemed a landslide after unseating Choteau incumbent, Rep Christy Clark (R).

In her first legislative session, Senator Fielder became a favorite of conservatives by earning a reputation for intently studying all sides of the issues, asking tough questions, and consistently advocating for constitutional rights, limited government, free markets, individual freedom, and high moral values. Three of the bills she introduced received broad bi-partisan support.

Senate leadership, including President Jeff Essman, Majority Leader Art Wittich, and President Pro Tem Debby Barrett all endorsed Fielder for the GOP Vice Chair position.

Senator Debby Barrett, a highly respected Dillon rancher who has represented Southwest Montana for the past fourteen years, nominated Fielder.

In her speech Barrett said she observed Fielder’s work ethic after serving with her five days a week on two Senate committees in addition to daily floor sessions.

“Throughout the session her attention to detail and willingness to work with others was phenomenal,” Barrett remarked, “In fact, she got her first bill passed with unanimous support from the entire legislature. And she did it without mincing her words, trading votes, or compromising Republican principles. She has a knack for understanding what Montanans want and working with people of all stripes to accomplish it.”

Barrett’s praise continued as she compared Fielder to former Montana Governor Judy Martz. “Governor Judy Martz was the last Governor in Montana who said just what she would do if elected—then, quite simply, she did just what she said she would do. That, folks, is integrity at its finest. Like Judy, the woman I am nominating today is also a Republican woman of great integrity. She is doing exactly what she said she would do. And she is doing it with respect and integrity.”

Representative Kerry White of Butte seconded the nomination, adding “Jennifer doesn’t try to control or manipulate people. She leads by example. She’s a hard worker, straight shooter, she listens, she’s intelligent, she’s thoughtful, and she’s genuine. It’s her nature to be open & inclusive, not clickish or judgmental.”

Fielder concludes, “I’m humbled by the outpouring of support and confidence placed in me from people all across this great state. It’s amazing, you know, because I’m just an average person who decided to get involved because I saw the need for more honor in the leadership of this nation. I’m thrilled by the growing number of people who are jumping into the Montana Republican Party for the same reason.”

After a barrage of attacks from left wing blogs, Fielder shrugged it off with a smile,“Some people will say anything I guess, but Republicans in general, and anyone who really knows me, knows the left wing propaganda is the furthest thing from the truth. I think it actually backfires on those who sink to that level every time they attempt it. Personally, I find the truth works real well for me.”

She referred to her long history of civic leadership, community volunteer work, openness to talk with people from diverse backgrounds, and the official public record of legislative proceedings at www. which shows where she really stands on issues.

“I’m very excited about helping the MTGOP get principled leaders elected in 2014. It’s a great time to be involved because Montanan’s are hungry for truth and integrity in leadership. I’m really encouraged by the momentum we are gaining in favor of principled leaders.”