Saturday, March 01, 2025

Lunch in the Lot raises funds for relay

by Keith Cousins/Mineral Independent
| June 19, 2013 12:15 PM

Residents of Mineral County spent their lunch breaks Friday not only grabbing a bite to eat with coworkers and friends, but raising money for Mineral County Relay for Life as well.

The annual Lunch in the Lot event takes place in Superior every year the week prior to Relay for Life and this year seven relay teams were on hand serving hungry residents everything from hamburgers to pie.

“We’ve been doing it about eight to ten years and it’s a fundraiser for all of the teams in Relay for Life,” Peggy Temple said. “Everyone has different food items they sell to raise money and it’s kind of like a precursor to the relay.”

Throughout the year, teams have been engaging in various fundraising activities, which will end up being donated to the American Cancer Society. Lunch in the lot is one of the few that brings multiple teams together – all with the same common goal.

“It supports Relay for Life and American Cancer Society,” Temple said. “It all goes towards cancer research and different programs for Mineral County residents..”

Overall, Temple said this year’s Lunch in the Lot was successful.

“The turnout has been really good,” Temple said. “It’s the first year it hasn’t rained in about four years so that’s really good.”