Thursday, March 06, 2025

Spring pronounced burning program announced

| March 6, 2013 11:57 AM

PLAINS/THOMPSON FALLS – Officials on the Plains/Thompson Falls Ranger District have announced that they will initiate the 2013 spring burning program when the prescribed burning conditions are met in the coming weeks, and would like to inform the public as to where these burns will occur.

Planned prescribed burn units are a combination of those created by harvest activities and others designed for ecosystem benefit. The treating of fuels created by harvest is mandated by law and fire is the primary tool used to treat slash and to prepare sites for tree planting and/or natural regeneration. Prescribed fire for ecosystem benefit is used to treat hazardous fuels, to increase forage for big game species and to restore the fire process on the landscape.

Planned burns for the Plains/Thompson Falls RD this spring could cover approximately 5,000 acres if prescribed burning conditions are met and resources for burning

are available. Prescribed burning is tentatively planned for the following areas (parentheses indicate broader area descriptions):

- Knox Creek (Dry Creek area)

- Gold Rush (Dry Creek area)

- South Clark (Dry Creek area)

- Fishtrap Creek (Thompson River)

- Finley Flats (Clark Fork River)

- Shorty Gulch (Prospect Creek area)

- Graves Creek (Cougar Peak area)

- Cameron Creek (Cherry Creek)

- Tepee Creek (Weeksville Creek)

- Cabin Creek (Little Thompson River)

- Swamp Creek (Swamp Creek)

- Thompson Falls Administrative site (Mule Pasture)

Prescribed burning of the Thompson Falls Administration Site (the Mule Pasture) is classified as an ecosystem management burn, as described above. Burning of this unit will most likely occur between mid-March and late April, weather and fuels permitting. Signage of trails within the mule pasture will take place before during and after ignition.

Ignition of these areas will be accomplished either by hand crews or by helicopter. Smoke will be visible during burning and potentially for days afterwards.

All proposed prescribed burning activities must comply with air quality regulations as outlined and administered by the Montana/Idaho Airshed Group. Burns will occur when air dispersion patterns and weather forecasts are favorable, but smoky conditions can still potentially develop. Recognizing this negative impact, managers will attempt to minimize smoke effects and reduce the impact to the public.

The public is urged to avoid the project burn areas during operations. If the public is impacted by smoky conditions while driving through these areas, please slow down and be careful when traveling through, as people and equipment may be present.