Monday, February 24, 2025

Letters to the Editor - March 20, 2013

| March 20, 2013 10:44 AM

You serve the U.S. Constitution, not Obama. Do your duty.
1849 - NEARLY 165 years ago, when OUR Republic was but a puppy of 60 years age - Henry D. Thoreau penned this opus:
And, yet, those in the White House and DHS think we, the people, are a problem? Thoreau was their God in the 1970’s! Yet, they repudiate him in every action they take, and every word they utter.
Note the last paragraph in the link, midway: “Even the Chinese philosopher was wise enough to regard the individual as the basis of the empire.”
How is this not consistent with what we have been saying for the past now-several decades?
Yet, here we’ve come to a state wherein dimwit dwarves like Obama, his weight-obsessed spouse, Michelle, and Janet two tell us we are expendable if they decide to target us with a drone as their enemies (pretending us to be enemies of “the state”). Anyone, with an ounce of sense and intelligence can see, this madness upon which they are embarked is due to their own paranoia, brought on by their own delusions of grandeur! Proof? When was the last time a typical tax-payer went on a 1.5 million dollar “golfing vacation”?
Do your duties Senators, or step down. Uphold the rule of law, or go quietly into the night. You do not represent anyone if you only represent Obama, or the DNC.
Sent with all the respect you think you may be due.

Jim Greaves,
Thompson Falls MT

To the Editor

I am opposed to the FWP plan to eradicate Walleyes in Noxon Reservoir. After intensive review of the Environmental Assessment I feel the reasons put forth are flawed and the information necessary to reach an informed decision is incomplete.
Rather than argue the science or consider economics, I want to point out what I will miss most. For the past 5 years I have been targeting Walleye. This began back in the late summer of 2007 when my then 9 year-old youngest granddaughter boated the first one we were successful hooking. It was off to the races after that and her slightly older big sister had to be with us the following weekend to capture her first as well. They had both fished for bass with some success, but the casting prowess and other skills needed to catch bass were a little elusive for them at that age. In this case, they could bait a hook and sit back as we quietly trolled with the electric motor, enjoying the scenery and relaxing between bites. Perch often kept us busy but the thrill of catching a healthy walleye added to experience immeasurably. And then, we would take a couple modest sized samples home for a truly outstanding meal. That’s something every child should experience. I’ve spent countless hours with them fishing Noxon Reservoir. I have introduced at least 6 other people to their first-ever walleye on Noxon. Let’s protect and develop the walleye fishery and use the available resources to support the abundance this great reservoir has to offer. Please take the time to comment and urge FWP to use their skills to develop a practical plan to manage walleye and not waste time and money attempting to eradicate the species. Contact Kenneth Breidinger and Jim Satterfield with Fish, Wildlife and Parks. I have a young grandson waiting for his turn.

Scott Muller,
Trout Creek, MT