Thursday, March 06, 2025

Update from Rep. Nicholas Schwaderer

| March 20, 2013 10:45 AM

We are almost two thirds of the way through the session and things are busier than ever at the Capitol.
The past two weeks I had the privilege of meeting two of the five schools within the HD14 district as St. Regis High School and Superior High School each sent down a group of students. They enjoyed seeing the political process first hand and asked very relevant questions. Thankfully former-Representative Hendrick came with them, so that he could give them a thorough tour of the place while I was in committee and on the floor. I was particularly pleased that Dave & Linda Jensen, who knew me at St. Regis since I was in the 3rd grade, were there.
Back to business. Our one Constitutionally-dictated job at the Capitol is to pass a budget for the next two years. That budget, also known as HB 2, recently passed House Appropriations Committee last week and will be taken to the House Floor this week. During most all of Tuesday and Wednesday, we will meet straight through on HB 2 to vote on the bill section by section, amendment by amendment. We will not be surprised if we have to debate and vote on over 70 amendments! After we are done with HB 2, it goes to the Senate to be further amended, goes to a conference committee, is sent to the Governor and our actions from there depend on the Governor’s decision.
Gov. Bullock’s starting budget spent all of what we spent in the last biennium, plus new spending for all of our new anticipated income, plus $150,000,000 beyond what we expect to bring in. Expect the budget to be a continuous work in progress between now and the rest of the session.
Miscellaneous updates:
HB 574, establishing a “small herd exemption” to milk policy to allow the sale of fresh milk, was recently heard in House Agriculture. I cosponsored this bill along with sponsor (and recent National Senate candidate) Representative Edmunds. It is currently being amended to address a few of the concerns of the opponents and will be voted on in the next week or two.
HB 472, which would reduce business equipment taxes through an increased exemption, passed House Taxation 17-3 and the House Floor 2nd Reading 96-4. It now has to make it through the House Appropriations Committee before going to the Senate. We are optimistic to have bipartisan support for this bill continue on its way to Governor Bullock’s office.
Finally, former Representative Hendrick will be coming to Helena to be the head coach for the House of Representatives basketball team as we kick off our game against the Senate. The game is a charity benefit; the House is also seeking to extend its winning streak against the Senate. At this point in the session it is nice to come together for a friendly competition to bring a bit of levity to a tense time for everyone.
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