Friday, February 28, 2025

An update from Senator Jennifer Fielder

| March 27, 2013 9:39 AM

I am working on many legislative actions to ensure local voices are meaningfully factored into government decisions. Please do your part by staying apprised of the issues that affect you and submit comments for the record to responsible agency officials. Feel free to cc me with any official comments you make to state agencies so I can follow up on the most critical topics. My email is

Water Compact update: Last Friday Western Montana citizens and elected officials packed the capitol’s largest hearing room to urge legislators to extend the CSKT water rights compact deadline.Nearly 200 farmers, ranchers, and concerned citizens showed up in favor SB 265 to allow more time for study and possible adjustments. Sanders County Commissioners asked me to enter their support for the compact extension into the record which I was happy to do.

It was the largest turnout for a hearing I have seen at the state capitol this session, with the vast majority of those attending in favor of the extension. Unfortunately Representative Kathleen Williams (D –Bozeman) responded the next day by introducing legislation to immediately push the controversial compact agreement ahead. Williams has been a vocal advocate for ratification of the CSKT compact since she was appointed as a newcomer to the Compact Commission last November.

At some 1,200 pages, the agreement demands careful analysis. Once ratified, it cannot be changed, so it is vital the legislature gives this the due diligence required to ensure it is fair and equitable for all involved. There’s simply no time left this legislative session to do that, especially given the magnitude of water rights being negotiated both on and off the reservation.

Many western Montanan farmers and ranchers say the proposed reduction in water allocations will put them out of business. There are way too many question marks to give this the rubber stamp “yes” vote that is being suggested by compact proponents.

Walleye: I’ve been following the debate over FWP’s plans to eradicate Walleye from Sanders County and am working from my end to ensure your voice is heard. It’s obvious the public wants to keep the walleye fishery, but convincing FWP to agree may take some doing. Be sure FWP Region 1 Supervisor Jim Satterfield receives your written comments ASAP.

Wolverines: It appears US Fish & Wildlife is about to place wolverines on the Endangered Species List. I’ll be attending a meeting this week in Helena to take a look at their plans and hear public comment. If wolverines are listed, we can expect further impacts to our economy and public lands.

Bingo: After Representative Ingraham was successful moving her Bingo Bill through House and Senate committees, I carried it through Senate floor sessions. Unfortunately I couldn’t attend the Governor’s signing ceremony due an extraordinarily long senate debate followed by the hearing on the CSKT Compact extension.

Now that senior centers are exempt from Bingo licensing, I urge those involved to keep careful watch of bingo operations to ensure continued integrity. Always insist the money is publicly counted by at least two people. Honest people don’t mind being watched when they handle other people’s money. The Dept.of Justice no longer has authority to do inspections or background checks.So please, “trust, but verify”.


Senator Jennifer Fielder

Montana State Senate - District 7