Friday, March 14, 2025

Letter to the Editor - May 10, 2013

| May 10, 2013 12:16 PM

Veterans Stand Up

I went to the “Veteran’s Stand Down” at the fairgrounds on Sunday, or attempted to. I was turned away at the door because I was openly carrying a pistol. I didn’t argue with the security guard when he stated by way of explanation “our rules are our rules.” His job is just to enforce policy, not make it. I did not bother to bring up the fact that I am a Deputy Sheriff in Sanders County. It shouldn’t matter. The right to openly carry a firearm is a right that we all have. It isn’t something that is reserved for active duty military, law enforcement, or the “elite” in society.

We all know the gun debate. Sitting around the campfire, we’ll all agree on the futility of trying to control the lawless with laws, or the helplessness of the people trapped in a “gun free zone” when someone comes there meaning to exercise violence against them with a gun. When are we going to start practicing what we preach? It’s one thing to give lip service to liberty, but it’s another to carry it out. I’m tried of hearing about liability and every other excuse people make to keep from taking a stand. These excuses only serve the means of slavery.

Can we not trust our veterans with firearms? The incidents where servicemen have committed acts of terrorism nationally are so remote and uncommon they are hardly newsworthy. I would guess that at least half of the “vets” who attended this event were carrying concealed, and yet that threat wasn’t real enough to warrant or legally justify a pat down of attendees. May part of the issue be that it is offensive to see someone carry a gun? If this is the case then I hope that all is quiet on the 4th of July because it would be a shallow celebration devoid of meaning. Wake up Sanders County! If you believe something, then let your actions reflect it.

As a veteran, I’m tried of being told to “stand down” when it’s time to stand up!

Noah Hathorne