Friday, February 28, 2025

Letter to the Editor - May 15

| May 15, 2013 11:26 AM

Superior school board

Mr. Chairman,

I would like to start by saying, I have thoroughly enjoyed the past seven and a half years on the school board. I had the honor of sitting side by side, and working with some of Superior’s finest people. Through honesty and integrity you have helped keep our school at the top of its class. Being a school board trustee is anything but easy, tough decisions coupled with the thankless nature makes this a tough position, I would like to say that I have the utmost respect and confidence in our current board as well as past board members, knowing that the goals for the schools have always been the same, (doing what’s best for the kids), for this I commend you.

I would like to say thank you to our administration, Wayne, Allan, and Scott, your leadership, sound decisions and your ability to put kids first have always inspired me, and made being a trustee a much simpler task. These three men have led our school through dedication and commitment. Their fantastic vision for the future makes these guys remarkable. We as a school district are very fortunate to have a trio like them.

The staff at Superior is what I would call a top notch crew, one who goes above and beyond what is asked or expected. They too have made my years on the board very worthwhile and rewarding. I have had the pleasure of spending time with almost every one of them through sports, field trips, ski trips outdoor school, or just discussing a hot topic in the hallway, the dedication of these people is unmatched. In having two kids still in school, it makes me feel good knowing these are the people they are with every day.

As for me I will still be involved in as much as possible, I just hope that the new board member is not a reflection of a crowd that does not want Superior’s kids and community to move forward. Hopefully he quickly learns what a being a board member is about, “kids”, and the betterment of a community. Buying into our community is about so much more than just paying your taxes every year, It is firsthand involvement in the positive progression of our community where we all live together, not old, not young, but all together, As they say many hands make light work. Sometimes the future looks sort of blurry until you have your own kids involved in it, and then you will see it much more clearly.

Thank you and keep up the fine work.

Jason McLees
