Friday, March 14, 2025

Mineral County Commissioners Briefs

| May 15, 2013 10:47 AM

The following briefs are from the May 9 and 10 meetings of the Mineral County Commissioners. Information for the briefs are composed from the official minutes.

Audiolog Funds

Roni Phillips, Mineral County Sheriff’s Office Administrative Assistant, reviewed the AudioLog Recorder MCSO would like to purchase and presented a quote for the recorder from Montana Electronics Company in Missoula.

Commissioner Duane Simons made a motion to provide funds of $16,205 for the purchase of the NICE Inform Essential Recording System.

The funds will come from multiple portions of the budget and are as follows:

$5,000 from Data Processing

$5,000 from the 911 Fund

$5,000 from Sheriff’s Capital Outlay

$1,205 from Sheriff’s Supplies.

Commissioner Laurie Johnston seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Public Comment

St. Regis Park Chairman Steve Young was on hand to request gravel for the parking lot at the St. Regis Park. According to Young, the lot has needed resurfacing and the gravel would come from the Mayo Gulch. It will take approximately 15 loads of gravel.

Monthly Department Director’s Meeting

Justice of the Peace Wanda James said that a man with a gun came into the Justice Court Office and County Attorney Marcia Boris spoke in support of installing a panic button.

Sheriff Ernie Ornelas and Undersheriff Mike Boone went to school based crisis training and he gave a review of the training as well as discussing the new tower at Thompson Peak.

DES Coordinator George Gupton discussed the exercise for wildfires completed last Wednesday as well as giving an update on the Local Emergency Planning Committee.