Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Sanders County Senior News

| May 15, 2013 9:34 AM


We once again enjoyed Brunch for Lunch, featuring quiche and biscuits & gravy--a real favorite in this part of the country. Jerry Hamel tried his first quiche, which met with his approval! I’m hoping this will be a monthly menu item. Coming up for the rest of May will be:

Thurs. May 16 Chicken & dumplings

Mon. May 20 Tilapia (fish)

Thurs. May 23 Pork roast

No meal on Memorial Day

Thurs. May 30 Chicken broccoli

Remember the evening meal on Mondays is served at 5:30, and lunch is at noon on Thursdays. Delene Tufly brought her sister and brother-in-law, Luthera and Bob Hindman, from Sisters, OR, to join us last week. A good place to bring your visitors, in air-conditioned comfort with great food!

Melon report: they’re going in the ground next week! Bring on that sun!

It’s time to start thinking, as you do “Spring Cleaning”, what you may be able to part with. Our center, and community, will be part of the Sanders County Yard Sale-ing which is the last weekend in June. Details will be provided later.

It looks like Spring has sprung--enjoy it!

Martha Swonson, Secretary

Thompson Falls

Hope all you Moms out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day. I was fortunate to see kids and grandkids.


Tues., 5/14 Lunch is Tuna Casserole at Noon

Thurs., 5/16 Dinner is Swiss Burger Steaks at 6:00

Have a great week!

Jane Ward, Secretary