Thursday, February 27, 2025

USFS and county sign airport use agreement

by Keith Cousins/Mineral Independent
| May 15, 2013 11:43 AM

Superior Ranger District Fire Management Officer Bob Derleth was on hand at the Friday meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners to present the 2013 Airport Lease Agreement.

Derleth previously met with the Mineral County Airport Board where it was agreed that the agreement would be “pretty much the same” as last year’s between the Forest Service and airport.

“It’d be $375 every day we are out there,” Derleth told the commissioners. “Then we have a rider in here that if we use it more than three days, which we usually do, we add an additional $500 lump sum for the weed guys to come spray. We never know where the trucks are coming from. We don’t want California weeds in our county.”

The agreement also states that under “normal use,” such as if a helicopter lands in the airport and picks up a Forest Service firefighting crew, it would not be counted as part of the $375 a day.

“But if we bring a truck and come in and settle for the day or stay the night then we count it,” Derleth said.

According to Derleth the Forest Service utilized the airport nine days during last year’s fire season, resulting into around $3,000 being paid to the airport.

“One of these years you could have a busy year,” Derleth said. “One of the years they were out there for two months.”

“We don’t want a busy year,” Commissioner Duane Simons responded.

Prior to a motion being made to accept the terms of the agreement, Derleth commented on the benefits of the arrangement between the county and USFS.

“I think it’s good,” Derleth said of the agreement. “It’s good for us to use the airport and it’s good for you guys because you get a little revenue out of it. It’s all done and if you guys are ok you can sign it.”

Derleth added that after the document had been signed by the commissioners he would take it to the contacting officer in Missoula for a final signature.

Commissioner Laurie Johnston then made a motion to accept the lease agreement, which was seconded by Commissioner Simons. The motion passed unanimously and the agreement was signed by the commissioners.