Thursday, February 27, 2025

An update from Rep. Pat Ingraham

| May 29, 2013 12:34 PM

Memorial Day has passed. It is a time for remembering our unsung heroes, those men and women who’ve defended, guarded and continue to protect our traditions of liberty and freedom, while reaching out to other nations during times of turmoil. But Memorial Day is not just held to a special day of remembrance, but transcends time. Those service people are remembered on a daily basis with thankful hearts by those whose lives they’ve impacted.

In continued remembrance of our military, during the 63rd Legislative Session we passed House Bill 351, which was an act officially designating the Grateful Nation Montana Memorial in Missoula, Montana, as a State Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Memorial, located at the University of Montana.

The Grateful Nation Montana program is a first-of-its-kind program in the United States and was established in 2007 by David A. Bell, John F. McCarrick and Gale R. Gustafson to provide an opportunity for tutoring, mentoring and acquiring a full college scholarship for children of Montana soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our country in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Grateful Nation Montana was a program sanctioned by the Montana University System Board of Regents. On November 4, 2011, the Grateful Nation Montana Memorial was officially established on the main campus of the University of Montana. The memorial was created by a Lincoln, Montana artist, Rick Rowley.

The Grateful Nation Montana Memorial incorporates five larger-than-life-size bronze statues, including the traditional “fallen solider” battle cross, a young boy representing the child of the fallen soldiers, a teacher representing the Grateful Nation Montana mission of educating the children of our Montana fallen soldiers, a grandmother, a grandfather and contains 12-inch by 24-inch granite tablets recessed in the ground surrounding the Memorial, with each tablet containing the name, branch, rank, years lived and Montana home town of those soldiers who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Grateful Nation Montana Memorial is both breathtaking and moving and yet one more moment in time to remember all those who serve the United States Armed Forces and that because of their service, dedication and sacrifices, we are able to enjoy our liberties and freedoms.

Now it is your turn to “Keep in Touch” by contacting me regarding your questions or concerns. I can be reached via e-mail at, or call me at 827-4652 or by mail at P.O. Box 1151, Thompson Falls, Montana 59873.