Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Residents urged to use caution when burning

| May 29, 2013 12:37 PM


While burning is still allowed in Mineral County with a burn permit, the weather is getting hotter and drier. Please take caution when burning. Plan ahead and do not burn when there are strong erratic winds. Burning household trash and other items in nature is prohibited. Although burning cardboard is not illegal, please take extra caution when burning cardboard material. Ash from cardboard is very light and holds hot embers very easily and can start spot fires. Already this year the Superior Ranger District has responded to a couple fires where hot cardboard ash floated out of burn piles and started grass fires, the largest thus far being six acres.

Please do not hesitate to call 911 if your burn pile is escaping. For questions please call the Superior Ranger District at 822-4233