Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Letters to the Editor - Nov. 6

| November 6, 2013 12:28 PM

Opposition for tax


You must not allow a “mileage tax” of any sort. The federal and state governments already collect a tax based on “fuel consumption”.

What exactly more do you expect to gain - other than the rebuke and visceral hatred from your erstwhile constituents?

Secondly, Congress and Federal agencies have no “Constitutional authority” to tax me for driving within my state, or even on a private ranch!

What next? A tax on walking down the street, exhaling CO-2? A tax to vote?

Again, read after me: The US Constitution does not authorize “toll roads” or “tolls on travel”.

Anyone listening to the despots who propose such laws [in the EPA, for example] deserves to be dropped in the Arctic Ocean without a life ring along with the idiots making the proposals in the EPA.


Jim Greaves.

Thompson Falls

It's Our Ground

Our EPA, the State of Montana and residents must stop these proposed copper mines threatening the survival of the already protected Cabinet Mountain Wilderness Area in the northwest corner of the state. A beautiful high mountain paradise reminds me of the southern Alberta Rockies. The proposed mines at the wrong time, in the wrong place, planning the wrong damage. Tunnel digging will turn pure, clear mountain water into a toxic brew draining into valley waterways. The Clark Fork River has exceeded its duty for the mining industry. The monster Butte and Anaconda mines dumped there worst toxic waste into the river for over 130 years – the dams added more negative impact. When does damage to the Clark Fork stop?

We have (or should have) a moral obligation to protect our water. The wilderness is surrounded by big highways and residents. Animals are locked into this enclosure, they need the ground they now have.

The proposed mines would push animals including the grizzly, black bear, mountain lion, coyote and wolf into valley resident’s backyards. A 200 percent increase in never stopping trucks would quickly slaughter all valley wildlife.

Putting our school busses in the middle of that mess scares me. Northwest Montana has always had a job shortage problem. When a job cannot be found, we go where a job is. Never in our thoughts did we consider destroying a pristine protected place, harm water quality, harm resident wildlife.

Signed in 1872 by President Ulysses S. Grant, the mining law and wilderness act are seriously outdated. The proposed damage proves how stupid it is. Wisdom put the CMWA under protection – respect will keep it that way.

L.G. LaBelle,

Thompson Falls

Fight for Liberty

The basic tenets of the American way of life are not being practiced. This is why things are not working.

This is a crisis - lets do this before rocks are thrown. Let’s fight civilly while the opportunity is still available.

I have chosen to take the judges invitation to plead not guilty on a simple seat belt ticket.

My bench trial is 11/6 at 1 p.m. at the Sanders County Court House. Why?

The seatbelt ticket (Montana Code) blatantly breaks the law. Yes, the Peace Officers are shattering the law.

Admittedly seat belts are controversial. I believe the reason why the judge suggested I change my plea to not guilty is because he wants another chance to get this right. He expressed to me his frustration with the degradation of our culture. I hope he has discovered he can play a huge role in stopping the degradation.

In order for him to have the courage to actually dismiss this ticket and put all victimless crimes on notice, he must see the support of the people.

He will get resistance from above him. He must know the people support him in order to be bold enough to do the right thing. Even if he does not do the right thing, the other principled leaders need to see there are people who will support them in their job and jurisdiction.

This event takes the temperature of the culture we live in. People talk about freedom. People complain about issues that are too big to have much effect. This opportunity is here and accessible. What will we do with this opportunity?

I ask you to consider taking the time to support this judge as he risks his job and possibly standing for the principles of personal responsibility, free will, the keeping of his oath and the tenet of “the separation of Powers”. It is worth the trip to Thompson Falls this Wednesday.

This trial is not about me or the battle of wills. This is all about the principles of the Bible, the Constitutions and the future of America for us and our posterity.

If you are outside Sanders County, consider coming here to help us develop a beachhead here that may then spread to your County and state.

Liberty needs to break out somewhere.

If you would like to support this effort, but can’t come to the trial in person, I would ask that you consider writing a letter and faxing it to the

Justice Court

Sanders County

Judge Don Strine

PO Box 519

Thompson Falls, Montana 59873

Fax: 406-827-6987

You might confirm receipt with a call to 406-827-6941

Mark French,
