Sanders County Senior News
This is turning into the lengthy Fall I needed--to get my winter preparations accomplished--storing summer supplies like tools and clothes, planting bulbs, finding a snow brush and shovel...and getting back to indoor activities like taking care of apples I snatched before the bears got to them! What a glorious display of larch trees amongst the other conifers. Traveling between the coast and Montana lately, it was interesting to discover at what altitude they started appearing. Did you know they aren’t everywhere? Larch (Tamarack) trees turn golden in the fall and drop their needles. Our nearest display can be seen around Evaro Hill.
Remember that you needn’t be a senior to enjoy our meals at noon on Thursdays and at 5:30 each Monday. Bring your family and guests --it’s still only $4 (50 cents extra for take-out). Pinochle is played at our center at 6:30 on the 4th Monday--come join in! Meals for November will be:
Thurs. Nov. 7 Elk Stew
Mon. Nov. 11 Pork Roast
Thurs. Nov. 14 Breakfast--biscuits * sausage gravy, roast beef hash
Mon. Nov. 18 Ham w/creamy noodles
Thurs. Nov. 21 Turkey
Mon. Nov. 25 Spaghetti
The center will be closed on Thanksgiving. There are turkey dinners all over this month, including each Senior Center the week of Thanksgiving!
Our prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery go out to a very special senior lady, Faye Pitts,who is recuperating at St. Luke’s,from a bad fall. We miss your cheerful presence, Faye!
Martha Swonson, Secretary
Thompson Falls
Happy November and hope things are going well for you.
Thurs., Nov. 7 Dinner at 6:00 is Pizza Bar
Tues., Nov. 12 Lunch at Noon is Chili Bowls
Thurs., Nov. 14 Dinner at 6:00 is Polish Dogs/Sauerkraut
Enjoy all those falling leaves!
Jane Ward, Secretary